Example sentences of "[conj] even [conj] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , there is no protection against the old device of refusing admission to a solicitor ( or doctor ) and asserting afterwards that the prisoner did not ask for him or even that he had refused to see him .
2 Not that the gay Oz had been his idea , or even that he had provided much input , apart from advice on the telephone .
3 He accompanied this with a rude gesture — some say it was a noise , others that he stuck out his tongue , or even that he made a sign with his forearm .
4 I wished I could have felt any sort of advance enthusiasm , but I could n't have cared less if John had spent the week transforming the room into the Crystal Palace , or even if he 'd been laying everything waste with a meat-axe .
5 If a man believes in a different god , or even if he uses a different ritual for worshipping the same god , blind faith can decree that he should die — on the cross , at the stake , skewered on a Crusader 's sword , shot in a Beirut street , or blown up in a bar in Belfast .
6 Mm well if he finds out where you are , or even if he visits relatives and starts making threats saying he 's gon na get you or he 's er assault you , or he 's gon na hurt the child , anything like that , then er the first thing obviously is to contact the police to warn him off and secondly contact me , cos we 'll then be able to apply for an injunction to stop him coming anywhere near you .
7 He could have basked in the illusion of being a benevolent father-figure to his people , actually loved and appreciated and secure in the knowledge that even after he went , things would go on along the tracks he had laid down .
8 Johnson returned to this case now in Aberdeen , saying that even though he understood how difficult it would be to ensure accurate evidence , it still did not make it right that a murderer should go unpunished .
9 When it passes out of his hands , Gollum is so eaten up with desire for the Ring that even though he has become evil he helps Frodo find Mount Doom in order to stay with the Ring .
10 She would inevitably interpret it as some kind of macho statement about the fact that even as he entertained one woman in his flat , another was on her way upstairs with … what on her mind ?
11 It is true that even as he complained and tried to protect the British position , so he could sometimes admit to the desirability of American support .
12 But he vowed that even if he becomes the world 's richest sportsman , he will stay firmly clear of the bright lights that cost Tyson his freedom .
13 It has often been pointed out that even if he had written nothing before this stage he would still be regarded as an important poet .
14 They were held not liable , as the evidence established that even if he had been examined , he would have died before diagnosis and treatment could have been carried out .
15 However these two bases are distinct and it is clear from Harman J 's judgment that even if he had been dealing with an express confidential information clause in an employment agreement he would have declined to have followed Faccenda .
16 Nevertheless , his energy of observation remained constant and again inclined towards the economics of the area : he contemplated one piece of land , a ‘ watery flat ’ , that seemed to have natural drainage possibilities — ‘ it had a visible declivity ’ ; although he allowed that even if he felt it could be reclaimed without ‘ difficulty or expense ’ , these were relative terms .
17 Perhaps they reasoned that even if he managed to slip clear of the ropes he would have so far to fall it would n't matter .
18 I have no evidence one way or another as to the extent of risk of an episode occurring within five weeks but realism and commonsense tell me that there is a reasonable possibility that it will not and that even if he does unfortunately suffer such a trauma , he will if his life has to be preserved by artificial means , recover sufficiently for a decision at the main hearing as to further mechanical ventilation for the future .
19 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
20 She made for the study door and he wanted to say , ‘ I would n't if I were you ; he 's in a tear about something , ’ but he knew that even if he did speak it would n't deter her .
21 He sensed that even if he stopped pedalling , it would still somehow compel him forward .
22 The Collector had a feeling that even if he survived the siege he would never see Hari again .
23 But often , so drab is he that even when he barges into the pub waving a bottle of paraquat and shouting I dun n it , people just do n't want to know .
24 In Troeltsch 's own case , it is very clear that even when he sought — as he also did — to function as a Christian theologian , and to work out a pattern of Christian doctrine , his approach was deeply coloured by the relativism of his wider approach to the study of religion .
25 In the second chapter of Philippians , a little bit before where we read , Paul 's describing the seriousness of the illness of his friend and companion , Ep Aproditus And even although he had written that the thought of his own death caused him no qualms whatever , when he was writing about his friend , Aproditus being at the point of death , he said , But God had mercy on him and not only upon him but on me also lest I should have sorrow on sorrow .
26 Everyone saw it , apart from the ref and even after he 'd watched the video he thought it was accidental .
27 He had been told very little , and even that he had difficulty in remembering because he was so filled with excitement and anticipation .
28 I had reckoned that an accusation of fear would sting the Maggot , and even before he interrupted me he had banked the plane westwards .
29 He had already drafted two acts at the beginning of the previous year , and even before he had been taken ill this autumn he had begun the work of revising them .
30 Until , under the mirror , after many a circle and feint , after many a playful retreat and renewed approach , Ivan at last cornered her , and even before he opened his mouth she felt the smell of fear from herself : her pores broke open , she stood there panting slightly , her hair rising on the back of her neck in terror , her heated skin covered in icy sweat : ‘ And when , ’ asked Ivan pleasantly , ‘ are you two going to make the announcement ?
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