Example sentences of "[conj] those [that] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Japan faces a fundamental problem in reaching an accommodation between those values and practices whose origins are primarily indigenous and those that are broadly termed ‘ Western ’ .
2 These are of two types , namely those that necessarily exclude outsiders and create an ingroup ; and those that are inclusively internationalist , and promote the common human characteristics of all who share the planet .
3 The service elements of the job fall into two categories — those that are routine and mundane and do not need a doctor to carry them out , and those that are essentially the front line services for health delivery in our hospitals .
4 But it is important to distinguish between high-risk BES issues and those that are virtually banking contracts , albeit underwritten by housing associations and educational institutions .
5 In other words , how do you distinguish between those changes in neural activity that reflect the coding of information in the brain and those that are merely signs of activity with no functional significance ?
6 The study aims to determine the common strategies and features of companies that are successful and those that are less successful .
7 Zoos contribute substantially to the captive banks of many endangered species and those that are less rare .
8 In the Operations Room , some of the female part-time watchkeepers were just coming on duty and were being briefed on the operations that were planned for the day and those that were already taking place .
9 Steel shutters barricaded most of the shops and those that were open displayed only a few boxes of tired vegetables and strings of plastic toys .
10 It is true that there has been a small electoral earthquake in Europe , but not many people have been hurt , and those that were thoroughly deserved it .
11 Galileo was attracted by the implicit contrast between physical propositions that were demonstrated and those that were merely affirmed .
12 But those that are less well adapted do not .
13 They are all so remarkably tame , that any number of shots may be fired among them without causing the slightest alarm to any but those that are actually wounded . ’
14 This means adopting a firm but rational strategy that enables unacceptable old permissions to be extinguished without compensation , while those that are potentially acceptable are quickly brought up to modern standards , also without compensation .
15 This means adopting a firm but rational strategy that enables unacceptable old permissions to be extinguished without compensation , while those that are potentially acceptable are quickly brought up to modern standards , also without compensation .
16 And indeed , as Daly sees women as having become ‘ mutants ’ or ‘ fembots ’ , so Millett sees them as not having been allowed to participate in fully ‘ human ’ activities ( which she characterises as those that are most remote from the biological contingencies of life ) , and Frye sees them as simply ‘ broken ’ and then ‘ remade ’ in the way that suits their masters .
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