Example sentences of "[conj] those who have [be] " in BNC.

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1 The other 150 girls were children at risk or those who had been abandoned .
2 These bodies My Lords are after all precepting authorities and I think it crucial that those who 've been elected by their local communities should be in a clear majority and I sympathise very much with the er proposition in this regard , set out in the Noble Lord , Lord 's Amendment number twenty-one .
3 This view could not easily be maintained as the evidence mounted that , despite their negotiations with Sir Herbert Samuel and the TUC 's meeting with the Prime Minister on 12 May , the strike had been called off without any guarantees that those who had been involved would not be victimized by employers and that there would be no immediate resumption of negotiations between the coal miners and the coal owners .
4 Jesus once said that those who had been shown the greatest mercy by God were the ones who loved him the most .
5 It was a typical irony of the effects of the communist system that those who had been least affected by it were best off .
6 And when Parliament eventually turned back the tide of opposition to Eyre and voted financial support to the former Governor , it was poetically appropriate that those who had been most vocal in their support for the Garotter 's Act — such as Mr Adderley and the rampant Colonel North — should be in the thick of it again , shouting their praise for Eyre 's loyalty to the Crown and his firm action that had saved a colony .
7 On Feb. 16 the Serbian LC further demanded that what it termed " illegal immigrants " from Albania should be repatriated , and that those who had been granted Yugoslavian citizenship should be stripped of their rights if they had acted against the constitutional order .
8 But for the moment , that 's not the point — which is rather that those who have been , legitimately or at least understandably , affronted by the pretensions of Olson as poet should not therefore write him off as anything but what he was : an exceptionally earnest and magnanimous man , and a man moreover who knew , as few poets since John Milton have known , what the polity looks like from the point of view of those who administer it day by day .
9 But what we can not accept is that those who have been prepared to co-operate thus far with the P.C.A. , now knowing as a result of this court 's widely publicised recent judgment of the grave suspicions presently surrounding the police officers concerned , would truly prefer to remain anonymous and watch these officers prosper in their libel action , than that their statements should be disclosed to C.N.L. with a view to their being proofed and , if necessary , called as witnesses in defence .
10 7.6 Research on violence to staff in Social Work Departments shows that those who have been attacked can mistakenly feel that they have failed professionally and so may not report an incident in which they have been involved .
11 We hope that those who have been arrested will be released immediately .
12 I pray that those who have been injured will recover quickly .
13 I asked him if the fundamental problem is that those who have are too selfish to help .
14 However the 1988 Act took away this right of appeal from everyone , except those who have been in the country for more than seven years .
15 After two years it was found that the fish eaters had up to 30 per cent less chance of dying from a second heart attack than those who had been told nothing about fish .
16 Patients who had initially been given chenodeyxholic acid as dissolution treatment had a significantly lower recurrence rate than those who had been treated , originally , with ursodeoxycholic acid ( 17.8 ( 5.8 ) % at 42 months by LTA compared with 67.1 ( 16.4 ) % ; p<0.05 ) .
17 For instance past spending behaviour is always likely to be a factor in practice , with departments which have been reliable spenders more likely to be given funds than those who have been allocated money but not spent it .
18 Taking all types of respondents together their ratings were similar for people who had not been in a residential home at all and those who had been in one for a year or more , while those who had only spent part of the last year of their lives in a residential home were generally felt to have had a worse quality of life : for 39 per cent of them it was rated as poor compared with 27 per cent of the other two groups .
19 Armed with this tool for diagnosing asymptomatic carriers of the infection and those who had been infected in the past , several screening studies were undertaken in the early seventies , and to many people 's surprise the incidence of past and present infection was found to be very high amongst those attending departments of venereology or genito-urinary medicine .
20 When the king 's agents bought the wool it fetched much less than the expected price and the scheme collapsed , leaving resentment amongst the producers , the lesser merchants who had not participated in the scheme , and those who had been paid in Dordrecht Bonds .
21 On July 25th , 1908 , the rails forced their way into Denwood , and those who had been waiting so long and patiently considered that the prizes were theirs at last .
22 The residents themselves recognised the move for some of the older , frailer people would be more difficult and those who had been there for the least time had agreed to go , he said .
23 Clearly Looe schoolboys were expected to have a nautical bent and those who had were promised they would ‘ … be shown to take Observations of the Sun , Moon and Stars so expeditiously and accurately as if actually at sea , Looe having the advantage of the Horizon thereat upwards of 110 degrees ’ .
24 Chairman before before you do finally er pack your bag and zoom off back to wherever it is you 're going , could I on behalf of the county council and all of our participants here today and those who 've been around in the last fortnight thank you and Miss Whittaker and your assistant able assistants er Mrs Binns and Dave in the programme office for the sterling work they 've done .
25 He said this would be paid for by ‘ speculators and those who have been living off the state like cannibals ’ .
26 And those who have been to Spring Harvest may respond : ‘ To avoid the notices ! ’
27 She may appear to become quite self= centred , and those who have been doing all they can to help her may become exasperated and tempted to hint that it is time she tried to ‘ pull herself together ’ , for by then they too will be feeling the strain .
28 However , because the sampling frame consists of private households only , the survey does not cover elderly people in institutional care — for example , those living in old people 's homes and those who have been in hospital for more than six months .
29 In this context it is noted that there tend to be high rates of drop-out associated with part-time study , and those who have been successful will have displayed the commitment and capabilities necessary for success in higher education .
30 If those who have been to Arab feasts ever wonder what happens to all that food and ‘ tut-tut ’ over the waste , forget it .
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