Example sentences of "[conj] er [conj] [pers pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 What puzzles me is that er , erm much , much of these bright new people , all seem to dress in such a , a despicable fashion , do n't they , all sort of be , dressed and scruffy and er , and er whether they they 're so busy with
2 And er that they they still , even when I have to do things , which are not very erm happy either for me or for them , erm I 'll just give the example of removing a child from
3 And he , he says erm he did n't really study that much because he was going , like , he was erm doing languages and er because they they were , moaned at him for not keeping up cos of this project , quite a few of them , you know
4 The this problem with the detector , it 's another level of subcontracting down and er if you you 're buying a piece of equipment of this kind from a a consortium er essentially you ca n't dictate to him precisely who he 's going to use to supply the components for that system and er it is the problem came to the notice of officials when the consortium came forward and and said look , we we 've got these terms in our contract er concerning detection range and so on and er we may not be able to meet those , er so we questioned the reasons and then of course they revealed that they were having problems with the supplier .
5 I do n't know whether the er our er legal speaker will will will bring any er information but er this is the sort of thing that some of the er solicitors bring retir Pre-retirement Course Legal Aspects of Retirement and if er if we you do n't get a handout like this from er mister I 've not met met mister before .
6 I do think if er if we it strikes me I forgotten what the new guy 's name is you 've got in charge of the yard , what 's his name ?
7 Erm but er unless I I may repeat one or two of the things I 'd have said on the phone I 'm bound to do that , er the three things that are gon na be decided here today really is you if you and I erm you 've got inside information of course , er if you and I agree that er is the is the platform for you to earn some good money .
8 But er if they they come back to their car and they 're tidy enough .
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