Example sentences of "[conj] does not [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 They are not so insignificant that they can be ignored ; but nor are they so important that they can be allowed to kill the only prospect for peace that does not involve a fight to a standstill .
2 We may note that in its targeting of a number of these figures , the fabliaux present a morality that does not offer a blanket indulgence to sexual desires ; in some respects fabliau morality is very conventional .
3 Without that vision , you can guarantee that every single environmental and animal welfare organisation will be bought off and co-opted by a system that does not care a jot about the natural world and its creatures .
4 Further , the Vienna Convention does not specify how long the obligations under Article 18 continue , although at some point a signatory State that does not ratify a treaty must surely be in the same position as non-signatories .
5 Indeed , it is difficult to think of the expression of any ideas that does not reveal a moral attitude .
6 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
7 Prevent an offence by anyone else of disposing , treating or sorting waste at a site that does not have a waste management licence , is operating in contravention of the conditions of any such licence , or is operating in a manner likely to cause pollution or harm to health .
8 We are the inheritors of a political culture that does not have a history of mass street action : civil disobedience , yes , but never on the scale of the American civil rights movement .
9 Or if I am called to a meeting that does not have a purpose written on the agenda , I demand to know what the purpose of the meeting is , before we start .
10 We must find an equitable solution that does not put a yet greater financial burden on British Rail .
11 Computers have a machine-code into which instructions on the program are translated , a code which is a kind of computational ‘ bottom line ’ — a language that does not require a further interpretive step because it comes complete with its own interpretation .
12 I have an ideal picture of a Chairman of a Select Committee who is knowledgeable , takes an overview of the subject and does not hold a strongly party political view , but weighs the evidence in a dispassionate way .
13 The palace has almost disappeared and the church has been poorly restored and does not give a good impression of the original .
14 Although lengthy domestic and care routines are to some extent a reality of disability , it is necessary to work out a level of sharing between the women and their staff which allows a varied day and does not make a drudge out of anybody .
15 Manager McGrath has watched as both Cavan and Fermanagh have been caught napping in the championship so far and does not want a similar fate to befall his side .
16 The new practice will apply to gains arising from an accident insurance policy that affords protection against the risk of dying only if death is as a result of an accident , has no investment content , and does not acquire a surrender value ( other than one equal to the proportion of the premium paid which is refundable if the policy is terminated early or in other circumstances ) .
17 The high society platinum beauty brought up in a secluded hot-house may look a million dollars on the show stand , but is all too liable to fall flat on her face at the first pinprick of adversity and does not stand a chance unless she is cocooned in protective sprays .
18 Spike is an amateur gynaecologist who has broken the code and does not deserve a delicacy like Little Liz , a Soho Bunny if ever there was one , all ankle-boots and skin-tight black ; it 's enough to make a judge take a dim view of things .
19 He has no intellect and does not improve a bit : I wish he was in the army ’ .
20 This can arise in dogs which are house-trained , and does not reflect a breakdown in the training process because it is an involuntary action on the dog 's part .
21 Thus the question of whether a legal duty exists is for a positivist a relatively simple matter of examining the relevant commands , norms or rules of a legal system and does not involve a consideration of , for example , what this duty really means in political , economic or social terms .
22 In binocular right-eye and left-eye viewing conditions , brisk OKN is elicited by right-to-left motion ; for left-to-right motion the number of beats is very small and does not represent a normal OKN response ( the traces at bottom illustrate the observer 's description of the pattern of eye movements in the two directions ) .
23 P.B. I would be concerned as a Catholic parent if a lady who does not go by her married name and does not wear a wedding ring is appointed .
24 This form of licence is granted to an hotel structurally adapted and bona fide used for providing main meals at mid-day or in the evening , or both , to persons frequenting the premises , and does not contain a bar counter .
25 The show , which lasts a good three hours and does not contain a dull moment , works around an interesting format , whereby neither comedian is supporting the other , but both perform three sets each .
26 This can cause problems on the news desk and does not create a very good impression .
27 This book does not cite all the cases on the subject , and does not cite a case where to do so would serve only to record the existence of that case , with no other purpose .
28 This means it fights exactly like any other model in hand-to-hand combat except that it is immune to psychology and does not take a break test .
29 The lead , believed to come from industrialised countries in the southern hemisphere , is at very low concentrations and does not pose a threat to living organisms .
30 If the employee has been working for you for up to eight weeks and does not have a linking letter or a Leaver 's statement , phone your Social Security office and ask if the start of the PIW you are dealing with links back to a claim to a Social Security benefit .
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