Example sentences of "[conj] here you [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 And here you might think of other kinds of dreams that are so-called typical dreams , like for instance erm , er , has anybody had this dream where you want to go to the bathroom but ca n't find it ?
2 At Watersmeet itself the East Lyn meets up with Combe Park Water and here you 'll find a National Trust shop , a cafe and toilets .
3 Some authors will be less well-documented in traditional information sources such as these , for example pre-twentieth-century women authors ; and here you may find it useful to use the Dictionary of British Women Writers .
4 Fourteen miles away you can visit Grey Mare 's Tail , a great waterfall , and here you may catch sight of a herd of wild goats which live in the area .
5 At other times we will focus only on the instruments , and here you can make effects that are almost abstract .
6 At school you ca n't do that , and here you can have cups of tea .
7 At Church Stretton the Acton Scott working farm museum demonstrates 19th-century farming methods and here you can see butter being churned and traditional crafts being practised .
8 Recently moved from Holland Park , the gallery specialises in seventeenth , eighteenth and early nineteenth-century prints and here you can find the extraordinary and the exquisite ; pictures that are touching and others that are bizarre .
9 Every town along the Italian Riviera holds its own market — and here you will get the chance to stroll among the colourful stalls and find souvenirs , presents , local handicrafts , clothes and a cornucopia of fruit , vegetables and flowers .
10 But you know , here , in this place , in Haileybury alone , when you get out of here fine cos no one 's gon na know that you have this name , you know , for being a joke erm when you get out of here it 'll be completely different but here you should keep your wits about you , in here you should think well hang on I do n't know , just be more careful .
11 And then I have n't got space now , but here you 'd have a millionth , six noughts that 'd been a million .
12 Most of our garden is open to the sky , and of course East Anglian skies are wonderful , but here you can walk in the shade . ’
13 I have discouraged the use of adjectives in the last two chapters but here you can see them used with superb skill .
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