Example sentences of "[conj] should [not/n't] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Israel wo n't and should n't pay for the freedom of Kuwait
2 If the latter makes a search , the priority extends to cover the transfer , too , or the lease where there is a lease instead of a transfer ; but note that the converse is n't true , so the mortgagee must always search , and should n't rely on any search made by the borrower , who can properly rely on the search made by his or her mortgagee .
3 You ca n't beat the system and should n't want to , because it represents a co-operative progress towards shared goals .
4 One was about to start work in the engineering department of Rover and was already cute enough to know what you should and should n't say to a journalist , especially when it comes to forthcoming developments of the K-series engine .
5 She was also advised that she should continue to try to reduce weight and should not return to her work ( which involved standing all the time ) until she had been seen in the Outpatient Clinic in six weeks time .
6 It may live beyond their lives and should not suffer from them . ’
7 There was much discussion as to who should and should not appear in the prospectus as the management team .
8 While on sick leave , you must not work for another employer and should not engage in activities which your illness would normally prevent and which could therefore raise doubts about the nature of your illness .
9 The use of visual aids can be helpful to your talk but they are an aid and should not substitute for what you intend to say .
10 You will be pleased to know that the discomfort is only short term and should not occur in the future .
11 He reminded the bench that their sentence should be based only on the seriousness of the offence , and should not take into account the tragic consequences .
12 Midwives and health visitors need to give extra support and input after placement , and should not accept at face value that families seem to be coping — many may be struggling .
13 Public servants may advise on the alternative means to ends which politicians deem desirable but should not interfere in the choice of ends .
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