Example sentences of "[conj] now [pers pn] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I say this because the Sloth so far has done nothing and it appears he does n't plan to do anything except now he is reading a James Michener book .
2 He points out that now she is cohabiting the only benefit she will get is the basic dole .
3 A group at the University of Hokkaido is trying to isolate this chemical , which it calls glycinoeclopin A. So far the group has managed to obtain a tiny portion — 0.5 milligrams — of the substance and now it is trying to discover the chemical structure of the material .
4 And now it is gone , all gone … the communists have thrown in the sponge and left us bouncing around in the ring looking for an opponent .
5 Ian Wardle , of the help agency Lifeline , has seen the drug explode onto the Manchester rave scene and now it is known to have reached Scotland and Humberside .
6 But the public took to this comedy of two sisters going it alone while their husbands are in prison , and now it is watched by an estimated 12m viewers .
7 It was about five inches long when I bought it a month ago , and now it is approaching 10 inches .
8 And now he is teaching his son the tricks of the trade .
9 Mr Nath has already raised £700 towards the cost of hospital bills and transport for two-year-old Constantin and now he is hoping others will join him in his fundraising .
10 But he could do little for them ; and now he is gone . ’
11 In May , Mr and his group had the opportunity to vote with us in spending another two million pounds on the education system of this county , and now he is complaining only six months later , that we are n't spending enough , and I think we 've said before , the Conservatives have , and continue to have the opportunity for action , but they will not support their words with deeds .
12 His talent has chosen to evoke the twilight of reality and now he is evolving within himself a universal pictorial renaissance . ’
13 He retired from motor racing at the top , and now he is retiring from the Celebrity Challenge after once again raising a magnificent sum for charity .
14 There is a highly respected politician who has done honourable service in that most sobering of posts , the Northern Ireland Office , and now he is expected to play Father Christmas , with a lovely sack of surprise goodies to dispense to good children .
15 depending on , sponging off er whatever for however long and now he is going , is , is retiring on health grounds , you know , he really is n't going to be er able to bankroll me
16 And now he is playing a little game with you . ’
17 I am like unto a leper here with all faces turned against me except your kind friend Miss Blagden and now she is gone too .
18 ‘ All those cosy pictures of the family around the fire , all that stiff upper lip during the war — and now she is determined not to see all her work go down the drain . ’
19 She has just given herself to him , and now she is regretting it .
20 But now she is wanting to be home .
21 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
22 White never used to be a predominant Goshiki colour , but now it is realised that a snow-white base admirably sets off the other shades .
23 But now it is called the Isle of Fincara ; for we were not left to live there long in peace .
24 But now it is ended .
25 But now it is understood that annual sales have slipped to only about $30m — and accumulated losses at the subsidiary are put at as much as $10m .
26 Sooner or later , the knee will have to make a move , but now it is immobilised by the two flies , the lower of which is so still that it seems dead .
27 Alright but now it is starting it is starting to deteriorate quite badly because people are now noticing .
28 For this he was hounded into the political wilderness ; but now it is happening .
29 It was probably effective the first time , but now it is looked on as a desperate move , a last ditch attempt to gain attention .
30 ‘ I moved over from our house in Nimes with Raphael after Eric but now he is going to Manchester we 're staying here to live .
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