Example sentences of "[conj] then i [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 If er Mr Major is not going to look at why I say that then I hope that he , I assume from that that he has a better hope of peace an an
2 Then I tried it Cloister and it was too boring , and then I saw that they had Lanston Cochin at Mackenzie and Harris in San Francisco , so we used that and when we moved to phototype I did n't really go with the whole Jenson thing at all .
3 As we entered the shop , she tripped over the step , and then I knew that her eyes were full of tears .
4 ‘ No , thank you , miss — I like to do the job myself , and then I know that nothing has been left out . ’
5 Then they said well and then I realised that it was Fennite and I 'd heard of that
6 equal to supervisor so I crossed that out and then I realised that it said intervene .
7 I did n't really believe it at first , er , and then I received couple or more phone calls from er various people in the industry who er , who were aware of it and started to congratulate me , and then I realised that it was the truth , that er I really did have a big hit record once again with Blue Velvet .
8 And then I realized that the little cup she 'd brought with her out of the sea , and gave to me for Adam — that little cup could be none other than Undry . ’
9 What I wanted to say was that when I read the Annual Report I was rather surprised to find that there is no reference to the er report of the committee under the chairmanship of Bob , Bob on the organization of the R Y A and then I realized that it probably did n't come to the Council till after the end of the year that we have under consideration but it did seem to me that it has some contentious and some very interesting and rather good points in it and I wonder if we could be told how the consideration of it is getting on .
10 And then I said that they do n't hang about with us enough .
11 ’ He gave a sob , ‘ and she went rattling down the stairs to her room the way she always did and then I heard that awful sort of slither and Bunty 's scream … ’
12 It all makes me even more angry at the injustice of the situation , and then I worry that I am passing on that anger when I 'm with the boys . ’
13 And then I found that there was a small hole in the wall between the hut and the house .
14 er and of course I 've known Walter for years but I do n't know his wife , I 've never met his wife and of course not being able to get out into the street now , I should get out for about two years after I lost my husband and then I got this er awful pain nobody knows unless they have it er this arthritis in my knees , you see , and erm and then I found that it was too much for me to er otherwise I used to walk up to the post box road and I used to count the steps , three hundred and something steps there and three hundred and something back , you see , and to the front door , you see , but I , I ca n't do it now but I have with help and I went out last year with er Mrs and er twice we went to Dulwich which I enjoyed and so did she and the last time we went to and er we had our lunch and we went to see my cousins at West Suffolk and and , and then came home again , you see , and that 's the only time I went out last year and usually I used to go to for a day and I am hoping that if I , I am hoping , well you can only hope , that I might perhaps go so out one Sunday , once , just once in the , you see , because er , th that 's when when you 're old you 've got to keep , you 've got to hope for something
15 I thought , I must get it cut — and then I remembered that I had no money to waste on that sort of thing any more ; it would just have to grow , or I 'd have to cut it myself .
16 And then he has a study that has a similar wall of reference set of shelves and then I guess that maybe his bedroom has of this , but it 's erm and such a nice guy , a pleasant kind of man .
17 And then I feel that I 've given myself to somebody who thinks my heart is a pretty flower .
18 But then I thought that perhaps an accident was awaiting me or one of my relatives .
19 ‘ At first I was upset by this development , ’ said one official , ‘ but then I realised that with so many places selling the same things either they would go bust or they would have to channel their efforts into other , more necessary things . ’
20 colleges these days , but then I realised that he would not be interested in a girl unless she had cantilever overhangs and could be seen five miles away from the top of a bus .
21 ‘ I had always thought that its grip on me was purely personal , ’ wrote Amanda , ‘ — I loved it simply because it was my home — but then I found that it caught other people in its web too . ’
22 But then I found that they had n't done it that way .
23 But then I found that I could , after all . ’
24 Right but then I suppose that you could say that it 's the idea of the balm cake which it would be on the level of the , in , in intellect
25 At thirty quid , all but 5p , I originally thought the package was a wee bit overpriced — I 'd have said £20 was a better price point for it , but then I expect that it will be discounted down to that level anyway .
26 Er , I understand there was problem because of the computer breakdown which caused a certain record to be lost but then I discover that there is no copy of man manual copy of orders sent to the contractors for repairs kept so that having lost the computer record the council do not know what lights have been reported to contractor for repair and then find out the basic clients
27 But then I liked that Boyz II Men thing so what do I know ?
28 I was confident of beating him , but then I believe that you have to be confident of beating everybody .
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