Example sentences of "[conj] then [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Here was the suggestion of the spreading fan of an eminent Victorian , a beard clotted with high-flown phrases and guilty secretions , a beard of mad power that then faded at the edges into the ineffectualness of a declining constitutional monarchy .
2 He was a member of the teams which won in Ohio in 1987 and then tied at the Sutton Coldfield course two years later , and commented : ‘ Playing in the cup is the best thing ever .
3 Researchers have recently discovered small regions of genetic material in animal cells that can become detached from the chromosomes , enjoy an independent existence for a while , and then re-integrate at a different chromosomal location .
4 Her hands ceased their uncertain fluttering , dropping to her lap as she sat back and then tugging at the hem of her skirt until it was at a more modest level .
5 ‘ Dead , ’ said Floy softly , and then looked at the Trees .
6 Robyn looked down at the black bin-liner in her hands , looked up to where he sat , registered the determined , quietly angry expression on his face and then looked at the fountain .
7 He showed scores of slides and then announced at the end of his presentation that each was from a different crag .
8 Not surprisingly , therefore , import penetration increased from the mid 1960s onwards and then moved at an alarming rate in the early 1970s .
9 A great adventure to two remarkable elderly women friends who met years ago teaching and then taught at a school for ‘ maddies and baddies ’ in Argyll funded by Strathclyde Region and then they developed and ran a world renowned restaurant on the Island of Luing .
10 ‘ I look sideways these days when I see the umpires waiting to go onto the ground and then looking at every blade of grass .
11 I 'm going to work on a revolutionary kagoul that pulls itself on like the hood of a Chevy convertible , and then recedes at the touch of a button .
12 The training programme will be developed by a number of international non-profit-making institutions and then tested at a university in a developing country .
13 The program displays a black outline drawing and your child simply uses the mouse to choose a colour and then points at the area to fill in .
14 But though their name lives on in the region of Tuscany , the Etruscans actually survived for only a short period ; they were expelled from Rome by the Latins and then defeated at the battle of Aricia in 506BC .
15 The corridor they had travelled along had turned an abrupt corner and then ended at a blank , curved wall .
16 Say you were too tired this morning to remember to ask for permission to get up early to meet me and then woke at the right time and did n't want to let me down .
17 The arm hovered before the bookcase and then darted at a book end and retrieved a bound diary .
18 We saw the big white bird bank over the town , and then land at the new military airfield .
19 We passed two ruined abbeys , one with a tower and one without , and then stopped at a four-house township .
20 The car reversed into one warden , and then drove at the other , who had to jump onto the bonnet to avoid being hurt .
21 The Conwy pairing of Gary Macara and Roy Williams won the last two holes to level the match and then won at the 19th after Flint had put their tee shot out of bounds .
22 Whether they died naturally or were ritually murdered they were cremated , and then buried at the centre of a great mound .
23 Whether they died naturally or were ritually murdered they were cremated , and then buried at the centre of a great mound .
24 The first step is therefore to decide exactly how much you want to spend and then to look at the range of items that can be purchased for this figure or less .
25 She cut the hair close to the nape of the neck , leaving it long on top to keep it soft and then graduated at the back to create a heavy wedge .
26 These are usually concealed and then flashed at the last moment , giving the prospective predator the impression that it is approaching a much larger animal and one that is staring straight at it in a defiant manner .
27 Her huge blue eyes pleaded with him and then darkened at the flagrant desire in his expression .
28 People gathered in groups outside the burger place ; others went to buy cigarettes from the Indian shop on the corner and then stood at the bus stop .
29 Answer the three questions below and then look at the photograph on the right .
30 II.C. ’ , and then look at the descendants of that category ; or go still higher to ‘ 2 .
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