Example sentences of "[conj] when she [vb past] i " in BNC.

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1 McAllister , who had put the doll down , and was now fetching out her work basket to embroider pansies on some fine lawn dresses made for the bazaar by the aforesaid ladies , said , ‘ I did n't mean to become involved , you know , but Matey has been so kind to me — when not slave-driving me , you understand — that when she asked me to accompany her I had not the heart to refuse , and strangely , after I began to work for the bazaar , I found that it was most rewarding . ’
2 I do n't know why ’ Constanza told me that when she told me so little else .
3 ‘ I think what I am trying to explain to you , ’ she said , ‘ is that over the years I became so completely cowed and dominated by this monster of an aunt that when she gave me an order , no matter what it was , I obeyed it instantly .
4 I loved her , and when she died I felt as if every light in the world had dimmed . ’
5 And when she noticed I had two other children with me she laughed and said she knew what a handful they could be . ’
6 I thought she might not be there long and when she left I could stop her and try to persuade her .
7 Nevertheless , she had deep and peaceful eyes , and when she passed me by she only smiled ; she asked me for nothing .
8 My mother was a woman of great piety and orthodoxy ; and when she allowed me to look into her forest depths I found them good .
9 Melanie already knew I was popular with the fair sex , but when she discovered I was tipped for the top in my career as well she decided it might be a good idea to marry me . ’
10 I did n't realise why she 'd been away , but when she returned I soon found out .
11 Several people were after it , but when she knew I wanted it she sent a message saying she preferred me to have it .
12 I did n't blame her , I told you I did n't , but when she told me I could 've killed her …
13 I could n't really tell what it was till she told me , but when she did I could see it .
14 She acknowledged this with a raised thumb , but when she showed me the assortment of charts on the bed-table pushed against the wall she gave a thumbs-down over his fluid-intake .
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