Example sentences of "[conj] when she [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was able to give a good account of herself and was reasonably cheerful during the interview , except when she talked about her boyfriend and about the distress she had caused her parents .
2 She tells me that when she came to South Africa from Lithuania in 1910 and met her husband Abe Moses , she could only speak Yiddish .
3 Benny did n't know that Peggy Pine was an old friend of Mother Francis , that they had been girls years ago and that when she came to the convent she called Mother Francis Bunty .
4 I remember that when she came to the House she was , like her leader , a passionate supporter of CND .
5 And so it did n't really make sense that when she lay in bed half an hour later , with images of the evening playing themselves chaotically in her mind , her mood was rather blue and wistful .
6 She could taste blood now on her lips where her own teeth had bitten them , could see blood flecking her vision , hear it pounding in her ears as she ran , propelled by the first hot rush of her panic so that when she collided with the rough corner of a market stall she did not feel it ; when she stumbled again and scrambled to her feet she was unaware of her grazed hands and knees ; heedless of brewers ' drays , the hooves of heavy horses ; the outrage of the passers-by she pushed aside ; the woman with the heavy market basket she knocked over .
7 She tells us that when she met with one of her sons ‘ against his will ’ , they quarrelled , because she , ‘ some deal moved with sharpness of spirit ’ , insisted on telling him to flee the perils of this world ; the young man , doubtless angry at his mother 's squandering of his inheritance , ‘ sharply answering back ’ .
8 The bad thing was that when she woke in the morning she could remember nothing about it .
9 I said to Ted : ‘ We 'll say that when she went for the tram , the dog run after her . ’
10 ‘ It was only when they came to see me and talked about it that he found out that when she went to bed it was to get ready for sex , while he stayed downstairs because he thought she was n't interested . ’
11 How could she think that when she had in fact entrammelled herself in terrible evil bonds , luxuriating even in her bondage ?
12 He knew that when she looked at him she saw a leaking penis .
13 Mavis informed him archly that when she looked into his horny palm she could hear wedding-bells .
14 A third , a small blonde , always wore huge , baggy clothes and men 's hoots , saying she wanted to look aggressive , to get away from the things that being small and blonde are supposed to mean , and that when she walked down the street wearing her monkey boots and trench coat she felt great , confident and striding , and daring anyone to make a comment .
15 But she feared that when she returned to work at the unit , the problems she had complained about would still be there .
16 In the imperfect world , where things get misunderstood , a woman has to realise that when she returns from the kitchen with a toasted sandwich and her man barks , ‘ I said cheese and tomato , not just cheese ! ’ he is probably not so much worried about his stomach as about her hearing .
17 Although when she stayed with us in Aug
18 It fell on a crowded school , and when she ran to the site from the High Street she could see some bodies still moving .
19 She had just reached the foot of the stairs when she saw Ben entering the yard ; and when she stepped from the doorway he called towards her , ‘ Been on a tour of inspection , then ? ’
20 She was wearing a red sundress , bare at the shoulders , white shoes , and a light golden tan , and when she stepped inside some of the sunlight seemed to come with her .
21 No , she jumped on my bed and when she gets on top of you she thinks she 's some little baby .
22 The house was quiet , no sign of Matey 's bustling presence , and when she walked into the kitchen , taking off her shabby black hat , pulling the hat pins out of her abundant hair , she found Dr Neil , sitting at the kitchen table , his tea before him , quite alone .
23 She lives in a field with some others , and when she walked towards me I realised I was n't properly prepared , and found myself saying , ‘ How do you say hello to a pig ? ’
24 It was gratifying to have people shake her hand who once would n't have given her the time of day , and when she walked through the dreary rooms where evidence of the late Adelaide Morey still abounded she had trouble convincing herself that she was now the mistress here .
25 It was the first time she 'd been in such a grand vehicle , and when she looked over the side she seemed so high up she was dizzy .
26 Paul had been placed next to her , and when she looked across the table she caught Nicholas ' eye with its suggestion of complicity .
27 Her eyes were as blue as the patch of bright sky which had suddenly emerged from between the clouds and when she looked at him he was sure there was invitation in their depths .
28 At least she thought him middle-aged , but his voice was n't and when she looked at him again she saw that under his haggard features and emaciated frame he was still young , perhaps in his late twenties .
29 She was dark and beautiful , and when she laughed with her eyes shut and showed her white teeth , her skin looked even darker .
30 Sally-Anne was by now in full flow , and when she paused for breath Dr Neil said , as drily as he could , ‘ I will only say to you what I told you on the day when you arrived here : it is useless to take the world 's burdens on your shoulders .
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