Example sentences of "[conj] when i say that " in BNC.

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1 Well , except that , that erm I think that even in defending our idea that we retain our individuality you relied on spacial movement , that is when you say that , or when I say that the one is within us , clearly you must be speaking metaphorically .
2 Well I think that when I said that I think that given a man and a woman of equal qualifications I was assuming that that had been taken into account .
3 But I mean he was very interested and when I said that we 'd actually done a recycling directory and that I was thinking
4 and when I said that to Penny she said well that 's nice she said you 've got ta lot of , a lot of friends at home , I said no , I have n't got friends
5 Er Foster and Allen are here and when I said that at the beginning of the programme it started a flurry of phone calls as to where they were .
6 How could you really have witnessed that ? and when I say that finally I want to talk about terrier men because basically they 're the people who 've ruined your sport the terrier men are illegal , the terrier men are doing something that is definitely illegal in this country .
7 Now remember I am the leader of a party that has been in the front line against his violence for twenty years , and have been at many risks , as have been members of my party , but when I say that that dialogue is the best hope they 've seen for peace for twenty years .
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