Example sentences of "[conj] when they [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 They called him Toby in the boarding annexe , ‘ sir ’ in the school , except when they got it mixed up .
2 and er he said that when they took it up three years ago of course they from the first six months I think it is and we got on to them and they they did agree
3 The Waste lay on a high part of the forest so that when they reached it the sun , which had already sunk from sight in the valleys , was still poised above the dark low edge of the distant forest .
4 ‘ Only that the house agents called it that when they advertised it .
5 Whenever the students thought they were evaluating the work of a man , they assessed it as far more impressive than when they thought it was authored by a woman , whose efforts were labelled mediocre .
6 The Court felt that , ‘ Such information can be of tremendous historical value in demonstrating what agency personnel were involved in making a particular policy decision and what officials knew and when they knew it . ’
7 And then after that when the ship was finished , then they used to sort that all out , the timber , different sizes , then y and then or were there , their own people to stack the timber and when they stacked it , they stacked it and they used to put splines between each layer of timber and that was to season the timber .
8 She wanted to know what cancer was and when they said it was terminal , she asked what that meant .
9 Penny went shopping with Rowan , into one of those very expensive boutiques shops , yeah , and between them they bought this dress , and when they got it home , Rowan 's mother would n't let her have it because it was too revealing and so Penny was stuck with it and then her mother would n't let her have it either , but the shop would n't refund , it would only give them credit so she 's got all this money to spend in the shop .
10 Er a well I do n't know , I feel that th there used to be something in that , that used to burn it up now what they call their top site and when they burned it they took all the acid out of it , and there used to be all yellow stuff come out the chimney and that , when they finished burn that was always red and the Germans used to come after that before the war , Second World War , they used to come after that and they used to reckon they make paintwork but now you done something else different with it and they use I tell you we used to give it the name of green oar or parites
11 They quarrelled hardly at all and when they did it was almost always because Roland expressed concern about Val 's reserve with the world in general , her refusal to advance opinions in class , and later , even to him .
12 They seldom dated their letters and when they did it was by the year of the king 's reign .
13 Clearly they were not the sort of married couple that was used to communicating by letter , and when they did it was only rarely that anything illuminating was said .
14 They land in a field among crop circles ( they bought crop circle footage off National Geographic , and when they watched it the only car you could see in it was — synchronicity ! — a red station wagon … ) and then pick up a hitch-hiking alien .
15 Yeah , but when they got it , you do n't have to ask for owt er , M O T.
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