Example sentences of "[conj] when they [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They called him Toby in the boarding annexe , ‘ sir ’ in the school , except when they got it mixed up .
2 If they 'd have known that when they got they got out ,
3 I thought that when they took my trousers off I would have a zip mark on the old fellow .
4 and er he said that when they took it up three years ago of course they from the first six months I think it is and we got on to them and they they did agree
5 King Francis became so rotten that when they took his corpse to St Denis they had to put it in a lead coffin .
6 He guessed that when they made their report , probably by radio to a close in-surface unit , the MOD would finish the job and order the destruction of the Titron .
7 When she worried that they might not know when it was lunch time , he explained that when they saw his sister come back from her ride , then they would know .
8 It is unlikely that when they signed they could ever have had the slightest hope of achieving such a reduction .
9 Did n't they tell you that when they sent you to collect me ? ’
10 The Waste lay on a high part of the forest so that when they reached it the sun , which had already sunk from sight in the valleys , was still poised above the dark low edge of the distant forest .
11 ‘ Only that the house agents called it that when they advertised it .
12 Cos I remember once when they asked me at work to deliver the annual speech you know the man that asked me he says er , you know , they 've gone round everybody else and nobody else would do it and would I do it , and I said good lord , that were my first reaction , and I realized like all the company secretaries lo lord , so I did very well there
13 Whenever the students thought they were evaluating the work of a man , they assessed it as far more impressive than when they thought it was authored by a woman , whose efforts were labelled mediocre .
14 You 're certainly looking a lot better than when they brought you in .
15 And when they reached her , she said , ‘ He 's taken an overdose . ’
16 And when they reached him , they would have to stop .
17 There were some trees below them , and when they reached them he slowed , she followed suit , and then he swished to a halt .
18 At the hotel Luke collected both keys from the night porter , and when they reached her room he unlocked the door and held it open for her , then closed it behind him .
19 His hands caressed her back , then caressed down to her waist , and when they reached her hips he moulded her thinly clad body against him .
20 And when they reached his bank , she thought , she 'd broach the subject of the safety-deposit box .
21 The Court felt that , ‘ Such information can be of tremendous historical value in demonstrating what agency personnel were involved in making a particular policy decision and what officials knew and when they knew it . ’
22 And then after that when the ship was finished , then they used to sort that all out , the timber , different sizes , then y and then or were there , their own people to stack the timber and when they stacked it , they stacked it and they used to put splines between each layer of timber and that was to season the timber .
23 She wanted to know what cancer was and when they said it was terminal , she asked what that meant .
24 The idea is that if elderly people can be encouraged to think back to the times when they had lots of relationships , and when they felt they had some status and worth , then they are able to feel that status carry over more into their present life .
25 They 'd stand there and laugh at you , or say things to get you going , and when they felt they 'd wound you up they 'd walk away laughing .
26 ‘ Some friends who were with me on holiday in Romania talked about the idea and when they contacted me this year saying they were going to do the ride I told them I was more than willing to join them , ’ said Karen , who teaches at Applegarth Primary School , Northallerton .
27 ‘ He had already contacted the police and when they came they asked me to look after the children so we sat in the car .
28 She struggled to get the words out and when they came they hurt so much .
29 Men who could use these things comfortably would have to be three metres tall , and when they came I really did n't want to be there .
30 There were alot of helicopters going overhead and when they came I have never seen children move so fast .
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