Example sentences of "[conj] these [noun pl] be also " in BNC.

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1 Members in Bank of Ireland should be advised that these discussions are also taking place in the other Banks .
2 In addition , the scale factors A and B satisfying ( 6.13 ) and ( 6.14 ) must contain components of S , and from ( 10.3 ) it can be seen that these components are also non-linear in V .
3 ‘ We would like to point out that these residents are also living beside a busy dual carriageway and a railway line . ’
4 It could be forgotten that these limitations are also set by environmental factors .
5 Error and uncertainty are common features of cartographic information , so it is hardly surprising that these aspects are also present in digital versions of analogue maps .
6 The possibility of a move to the West Country or the South Coast was considered but the company was uncertain of retaining sufficient numbers of the existing work-force and these options were also dropped .
7 Every member receives a free copy and these directories are also supplied to contractors , agents and venues .
8 Every nurse needs to develop psychological and social skills as well as manual skills in order to maintain an effective nurse/patient relationship while the patient requires it ; and these skills are also required to relinquish the relationship when appropriate .
9 Photgraphs were produced in court and these pictures were also taken soon after the arrests .
10 Oxford , Durham , Cambridge , Newcastle and Edinburgh ( in that order ) publish high proportions of first papers in Nature , and these universities are also amongst the highest scoring in terms of productivity .
11 Oxford , Durham , Cambridge , Newcastle and Edinburgh ( in that order ) publish high proportions of first papers in Nature , and these universities are also amongst the highest scoring in terms of productivity .
12 If these economies are also those with existing substantial disparities in regional prosperity then the transition to monetary union might well serve to aggravate the relative position of the latter , in that any reduction in national income arising from the processes outlined above is itself likely to have a disproportionately large effect on the disadvantaged regions of those countries .
13 But these findings are also tied in with assertions about social class differences in domesticity which abound in much of the literature dealing with women 's place in the family .
14 But these criteria are also sometimes mutually reinforcing .
15 We probably all know the details of the nitrogen cycle , where Ammonia is converted into Nitrate and finally the less-harmful Nitrate by bacteria within the filters , but these Nitrates are also dangerous when levels build up .
16 The writers of the article recommend that typeface , size , colour of print and label background be taken into account by those responsible for the production of such labels , since these factors are also significant for ‘ meaning ’ and not just the actual words themselves ( ALBSU , 1980b ) .
17 Not to emit and receive these sounds constantly might be our equivalent of the sun 's disappearance at night , of someone switching the light off , or of partially shutting one 's eyes , though these creatures are also supremely aware of externally generated sounds .
18 All staff in the schools stated that they would welcome the addition of texts showing girls and women as main protagonists of the plot so long as these texts were also ‘ well written ’ and ‘ interesting ’ .
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