Example sentences of "[conj] when [pos pn] [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 When he has had quiet periods one simply got the feeling that he was having a rest , a feeling reinforced by his ability to produce a big innings apparently at will , especially on the grand occasion or when his team is struggling .
2 The fear the Frickley colliers have now is that when their mine is privatised — and they are convinced that will happen soon , unless there is a change of Government — safety standards will fall .
3 We can conclude from Kleiman 's experiments that when our attention is divided we can recognise the meanings of individual words adequately , but that they can be combined only with difficulty .
4 Well actually pottery is covered in a thin layer of glass , so that when your pot is dipped into the glazed solution , it 's simply a suspension of silicone in water which ride on the surface , to leave a powder , which is really finely ground up sand , when you put that into the kiln to fire at a higher temperature it mystifies it , it turns into glass , now it 's
5 We all enjoy a ‘ cuppa ’ and a cake after an energetic afternoon so please make sure that when your area is responsible you give your support .
6 And when its work is done , he wrote , it will grow quite transparent again and then it will disintegrate .
7 But the young wife has been charmed by their singing , and when her husband is out she calls them back ; unfortunately the husband returns inopportunely .
8 The need , or wish , to buy your first home may well happen before you are firmly established in your career and when your salary is at a relatively low level .
9 As every parent knows , children 's eating habits can be unpredictable and when your child is away from home it is difficult to be sure what they are eating .
10 The days you are here on your own you would use the bed in Andrew 's study and when your husband is here we will do our usual exit from our bedroom in such circs. and sleep ( i ) in A's study ( me ) and ( ii ) in the bunk bed built at high level in our boxroom area or on sitting room floor .
11 And when your client is buying from executors or administrators , remember , as you make your notes on title , to include a reminder to make a requisition asking for a memorandum of the conveyance to your client to be endorsed on the probate or letters of administration on completion , and to be furnished with a copy .
12 I become aware when parts of my body become tense and , more importantly , I know now how to ‘ relax ’ them , and when my body is saying that it has had enough I am able to leave things till tomorrow instead of insisting that they have to be done today .
13 And when my father is here , he can advise me about sheep .
14 You see I never believe in smoke without fire , and when our man is nicked on a spying charge then I say to myself that somebody got at him , somebody asked a favour of him , somebody got round him .
15 He works much better when he has plenty of space around him , and when his name is , metaphorically or literally , the only one above the title .
16 While a lioness is lactating for her cub she will not produce another cub ; but when her cub is killed ( or is weaned ) she soon becomes ready to reproduce again .
17 Can it be justified to send to prison people too poor to pay fines — and there are more such persons during times of economic crisis — not only when the original crime of which they were convicted did not warrant a prison sentence , but when their crime is trivial in the extreme in comparison with corporate crimes which we lack the political will to tackle directly by socialist remedies ?
18 But when their focus is on personal experience rather than the discussion of issues , the parallels between the emerging agendas will often be striking .
19 I have no doubt whatever … provided the production is good , I mean provided there are good people to perform it — and that is the case in Munich … but when your music is performed by a mediocre orchestra , it will always be the loser , because it is composed with so much discernment for the various instruments and is far from being commonplace , as , on the whole , Italian music is .
20 But when my hat is on , you 'd hardly notice the notch the Emperor clipped in my ear .
21 You are by means obliged to cast in your lot one hundred percent with any critics-made category , though it is well worth while when your book is still an idea vaguely moving in your head to decide what sort of a book it is on the whole .
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