Example sentences of "[conj] when [pers pn] [verb] take " in BNC.

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1 Crawled until I could see the arrow only because it was pale against the bark , and knew I was already further away than when I 'd taken the last bearing .
2 The attacker claimed that Carter had threatened him with the knife and when he tried to take it from him , Carter had been wounded .
3 And when he bent to take off his boots , she said , ‘ You 're wringin' . ’
4 And when he tries to take
5 But when they began to take an interpretive attitude toward their conventional practices , the situation became much more complicated .
6 Okay you can sort those out but when we get to take aways it goes a little bit odd does n't it .
7 But when I rung to take it , for them to take it back they had a special offer on and it was twelve weeks for forty pu , pa , you know , were doing it cheap
8 He drew me into the family circle , laughing , telling his mother of my struggles , of the broken door , but when I started to take my veil off he would n't have it and insisted that I keep it on .
9 ‘ Oh , but when you have taken your tablet and had a good rest , you will be perfectly all right , has Doctor Sparrow not told you ?
10 But when he went to take his seat again on the settle , she said , ‘ There 's no need for you to hang about ; get yourself away .
11 Myles took the tall silk hat from his head and the stick from his hand , but when he offered to take off his overcoat , Father Poole waved him away .
12 The widowed queen was granted Stirling castle as a residence , but when she tried to take her son there the Keeper of Edinburgh Castle held on to him until she contrived to smuggle him out .
13 I do n't know what me pictures will come out like because when we started taking them we were that cold our hands were going like this .
14 Then comes such enquiries as when you wish to take your bath and be served what , and when , for dinner .
15 It 's easy to take off the outside when when you come to take the inside ones it 's quite difficult .
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