Example sentences of "[conj] when [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now it is said that when in the present case the tenant entered pursuant to the agreement and paid a yearly rent he became a tenant from year to year on the terms of the agreement including clause 6 which prevents the landlord from giving notice to quit until the land is required for road widening .
2 It differed in only two respects , that the turntable was a much narrower arrangement than the Wolverton one , and that when in the uncoupled position , it rested on a single support carried on two small wheels .
3 I was not prepared to disrupt our rest day schedules for routine work , although when on a special operation or in an emergency we often had to do just this and all the crews were conditioned to flexibility in special circumstances .
4 At a full 45° , the cutting capacity of the Skil was 51mm , 14mm less than when in the upright position
5 Thus in 1506 the Spanish representative in Venice was succeeded by his son , who presented to the doge on the day after his father 's death credentials prepared in advance ; and when about the same time a French ambassador to Hungary died , his duties immediately passed to his nephew , who completed the work of the embassy .
6 Reaction was firmly enthroned , and when during the parliamentary debate on the Security from Violence Bill one MP voiced the belief that ‘ the want of employment was the parent of crime ’ , this seems to have been regarded as little more than a sentimental eccentricity .
7 He did so by wandering the streets , and when for the second time he passed the food office where she worked , he knew what he was going to do .
8 When is primary stress placed on the first word of the compound and when on the second ?
9 Theses are the people that cause the problems and I have had enough and when at the same time you do n't believe the slogans they are shotuing its time to leave the Labour Party .
10 Cottle wrote that ‘ a feeling of disappointment prevailed early and pretty generally , amongst the subscribers ’ , and when in the second issue Coleridge included a rather too satirical essay on fasting , he lost goodwill alarmingly .
11 In this approach to the location of education management we may begin to find a new relationship between professionality and management , and to explore in a different way the questions of who does what , where and when in the whole management process .
12 As early as 1707 Hugh , first Earl of Cholmondeley [ q.v. ] , was advised by a surveyor in London that the Smiths did a ‘ great deal of busness in the Contry and they have done a great deal of work thearabout & in Warwick you may easy hear of them ’ ; and when in the 1730s Sarah , Duchess of Marlborough [ q.v. ] , was building a house as far away as Wimbledon , Surrey , she stipulated that ‘ Mr. Smith of Warwickshire the Builder may be employed to make Contracts and to Measure the Work and to doe every thing in his Way that is necessary to Compleat the Work as far as the Distance he is at will give him leave to do . ’
13 But when in the early summer the Palestinians appeared on the slopes of Mount Sannine and the Christians found themselves in danger of total defeat , a Syrian military intervention in Lebanon became certain .
14 Perhaps the terms rankled , for when in the following year Bruce sued at Rome for the lifting of the interdict Edward II sent envoys , the chronicler Adam of Murimuth among them , to oppose such a relaxation , a task in which they succeeded .
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