Example sentences of "[conj] when [noun sg] [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 The results show that when body temperature is low or falling then not only is fatigue higher but also sleep is easier to initiate .
2 more companies are in receivership and when manufacturing investment is down by 19 per cent. , how can the Government justify taking such a listless attitude to the needs of British industry ?
3 The Corporation may have been on cover for several years and when subsidence damage is discovered , it requires full underpinning .
4 But when drug treatment is given , the protein pumps the drugs back out , so they have little effect .
5 In solution , the sodium and potassium anions are a deep blue colour but when carbon monoxide is bubbled in ( at around freezing point ) the colour fades , indicating that the carbon monoxide has reacted .
6 When the weather has entered a relatively rain free period , but when cloud cover is moderately dense and uniform , but not too low — when the prevailing light is evenly spread over the landscape , with no parts over bright or too deep in shadow — when the wind is still or gently fitful , a magic prevails everywhere upon the Wolds , and it comes from within the chalk .
7 There is , however , the difference that when heat is the driving component then layers are simply separated by narrow regions with steep gradients , but when salt concentration is the driving component they must be separated by other dynamically active layers — the ones containing salt fingers .
8 For radiologists , it is difficult to be precise because when contrast medium is passing through the distal oesophagus , the lower oesophageal sphincter is relaxed and it is impossible to define .
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