Example sentences of "[conj] said that [ex0] was " in BNC.

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1 I 'd read an article by Jon Mendlesohn in Rolling Stone , which emanated from a trip he took to Los Angeles the year before , which must have been about 1970 , that said that there was this guy who did weird songs and dressed up in dresses .
2 His Lordship rejected that argument and said that there was here no true analogy with personal injuries cases .
3 The ECJ insisted upon its sole right to interpret EC law ( as set out in the Treaty of Rome — see p. 15951 ) and said that there was a danger that the EEA court could pre-empt ECJ rulings .
4 Valdimir Dlouhy , Czech Trade and Tourism and Industry Minister , reportedly described retaining a common currency as " political suicide " and said that there was " no way " in which the Czech republic would commit itself through a common currency to financing Slovak budget deficits .
5 Valdimir Dlouhy , Czech Trade and Tourism and Industry Minister , reportedly described retaining a common currency as " political suicide " and said that there was " no way " in which the Czech republic would commit itself through a common currency to financing Slovak budget deficits .
6 Also on Sept. 18 UK Prime Minister John Major referred in a television interview to " fault lines in the ERM revealed over the past few days " , and said that there was no imminent prospect of the UK returning to the ERM , which itself needed reform , while Bundesbank president Helmut Schlesinger said in Washington on Sept. 21 that serious negotiations would be needed before sterling could be readmitted to the ERM .
7 Well it was on at that time I was dropping pancakes and crumpets and the manager come up one morning and said that there was running late .
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