Example sentences of "[conj] an [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , where an Act of parliament imposes a statutory duty on the defendant(s) to perform some necessary function , such as the provision of electricity or gas and public sewers , if in carrying out this statutory duty a nuisance arises by way of odours , for example , then in the absence of negligence the nuisance must be borne by the neighbours , however injurious to them or their property .
2 Where an Act of Parliament confers upon an administrative body functions which involve its making decisions which affect to their detriment the rights of other persons or curtail their liberty to do as they please , there is a presumption that Parliament intended that the administrative body should act fairly towards those persons who will be affected by their decision .
3 Where an officer of government in the exercise of his office obtains payment of moneys as and for a charge which the law enables him to demand and enforce , such moneys may be recovered back from him if it should afterwards turn out that they were not legally payable even though no protest was made or question raised at the time of payment .
4 In general , it would appear that where an obligation of confidentiality arises , the courts will give relief , not only in respect of disclosure of the information , but also as to use of the information without the consent of the person to whom the duty of confidentiality is owed .
5 The ambush had taken place in the southern front area , where an exchange of fire between the two sides to the conflict took place on March 13 , with each country accusing the other of opening fire .
6 The area near the Dounreay nuclear installation , where an excess of leukaemia is already well known , was within the rural high oil category .
7 The one possible exception to this general rule used to be the jurisdiction of the court to quash a decision taken within the jurisdiction of the decision taker where an error of law appeared on the face of the record : Rex v. Northumberland Compensation Appeal Tribunal , Ex parte Shaw [ 1952 ] 1 K.B .
8 Where an overlap of shifts exists , the nurse in charge should ensure that the time available is used to good effect .
9 Floriade also has a lot more to offer than the splendid horticultural displays ; there will be varying music festivals including a jazz festival , fashion shows and even an amphitheatre where an assortment of shows will be staged by countries form around the world .
10 Where an allua of song rushes forth as an arrow . ’
11 As Professor Wedderburn has observed , the result of this decision could be that where an association of employers is fighting off a trade union , it may be able to ‘ keep its smaller members in the front line and avoid any of its bigger members being parties to the dispute ’ .
12 Where an estimate of probability has to rely on human judgement and experience , this is called subjective probability , and is the most widely used in business situations .
13 The third category relates to private transactions , where an equality of bargaining power is usually to be presumed .
14 A dog , though , is not a repeated pattern of parts of a dog ; it is not a collection of ears or an assemblage of tails .
15 It is the autonomous achievement or pursuit of a goal or an activity of value which makes relationships and personal projects valuable .
16 In other words the issue is whether there has been a gradual process of change based on clear continuities with the past or an accumulation of changes in a relatively short space of time which has fundamentally altered the structures of the UK state .
17 ( 5 ) Office copy entries or an epitome of title as appropriate .
18 These principles do not prevent the parties from defining the expiration of the term by reference to a date before that of execution of the lease , or from making contractual provisions which take effect by reference to such a date , as by defining the period for the operation of a break-clause or an increase of rent .
19 Rail : Travellers with a fear of flying or an abhorrence of airline meals may prefer a 45-day unlimited rail pass , available from Amtrak ( 2 Cinnamon Row , Plantation Wharf , London SW11 3TW : 01-978 5222 ) for only $299 ( about £185 ) .
20 It might require a stroke of luck , such as a shortage of provisions or water among the besieged , or an act of treason , to deliver the well-defended place into enemy hands .
21 So if you look at individuals making erm decisions about punishment or some decision where there 's a consequence or an element of risk , you 'll find that groups quite often tend to go for more extreme behaviour than any one of the individuals in the group .
22 There are also diagnostics allowing a recalculation of the ‘ good ’ reference levels if the number of bad readings exceeds a predetermined level or an output of warning messages if any of the measurements used in computing the average is more than a certain tolerance from the mean .
23 ‘ Whether that 's an apology or an expression of sympathy , I do n't want it .
24 Mere membership of a temperance society , or the taking of a pledge of total abstinence , or an expression of sympathy with the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquor ( McGeehan v. Knox , 1913 S.C .
25 Mabbut as chairman and the aim was to ‘ collect evidence on the nature and causes of environmental changes constituting extension of deserts into marginal regions or an intensification of desert conditions within desert regions ’ ( Mabbut , 1976 ) .
26 I was n't quite sure whether GLF was an actual entity or an attitude of mind .
27 Agency findings could be set aside if they were found to be ‘ arbitrary , capricious or an abuse of discretion . ’
28 Perhaps he could plead a blinding headache , or an attack of tonsilitis ?
29 A decision not to prescribe or an underestimate of need , with justified caution , may aggravate or precipitate a distressing withdrawal state , which a doctor has a responsibility to prevent or relieve and may make the prisoner unfit to be interviewed .
30 Repairs to a building or an item of contents may be required but the
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