Example sentences of "[conj] we did [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Can I just say that er Ray phoned me up the other day and he said er , would you be prepared to take part in probationers ' , er regional probationary sort of training day er which is at coming up er in a few months time , to give erm presentation skills er I part of what we were doing , erm but just those O H Ps that we did on that part .
2 I was talking about twelve hour because the surveys that we did in eighty nine were
3 Surely no civil servant had more unique or peaceful surroundings in which to work than we did on this day .
4 Although we have a clearer picture than we did of long-term changes in demography and household structure , little has been done to fill out the picture in terms of living experience .
5 The high level of enquiries resulted in another intensive year 's effort by the tendering teams which enabled us to submit more tenders by number and value than we did in 1991 .
6 We now spend less of our national income on education and science than we did in 1979 .
7 ‘ We could not have got any closer to Wembley than we did in those two games .
8 I want to go and make daisy chains and eat rhubarb pie like we did in that magic , far-away land of childhood …
9 ‘ Much of our economy would collapse if we did without that . ’
10 When we did out hard session , that 's when I think love on a high level happened .
11 Thank you very much for that question , I think it is an important one , because we looked at our international work , as we did at all our work , over the period that we were considering reorganisation .
12 The change in net debt , er worth referring worth mentioning minus three point three million that much worse would have been significantly lower thirty five million or so lower if we 'd had the same year end exchange rate as we did in nineteen ninety one .
13 I am assuming the £6M will be raised if we carry on in 1988 as we did in 1987 , improving distribution of course and encouraging people but doing nothing to undermine what individuals , churches and committees do already .
14 Now , with sales of around 2,600 cars a year , we could actually make the same profits as we did in 1990 with 3,300 sales . ’
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