Example sentences of "[conj] we know the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My husband and I came across these old photos recently and , although we know the names of some of the people , we would like to find out who the other two are .
2 This book is particularly clever , for although we know the outcome ( de Gaulle was not assassinated ) , we are on the edge of our seats until the very last page .
3 We have made a sound start in 1990 to achieving the degree of co-operation and mutual aid that we know the Government and Public expect to see more in evidence throughout this decade .
4 It is all too easy to feel that we know the answer to the problems presented and so precipitously give advice .
5 But there is still a great lack of clarity and we are not prepared to pretend that we know the answer , thereby running the risk of causing at least as much damage as we do good .
6 As the records are processed in a sequence that can not be predetermined , we are faced with the problem that we know the key or control number of the record but have no indication of its location in storage .
7 In the , in the current Middle East erm so this pattern certainly applies to Judaism , not to all religions , he 's not saying that all religions have to undergo persecution in order to as it were flourish , but some religions do and perhaps the characteristic Judaism or at least this kind of monotheism is these kind of religions tend to be intolerant and single-mindedly , tend to say that we know the truth , everybody else is wrong and consequently they tend to persecute others and get persecuted and this leads to these periods of suppression , but there 's a tendency for this kind of return of repress just as Mike was saying , his very brilliant analogy he suggested the French Revolution when the students put the barricade up in the same place or so the erm Freud 's idea is that the things that happened in that first traumatic period back in Ancient Egypt and for example erm he said this is why the modern erm Jews insist on circumcision because the Ancient Egyptians did and this is , this is correct .
8 With so much choice it 's lucky that we know the area so well and can show you all the best things on our trips .
9 Erm le , what I wan na do is just get , just insure that we know the difference between what is giving the customer the , the benefit and the features .
10 It is very rarely that we know the age of a bride .
11 The annual fee will not now be due until January but it is vital that we know the names of all who wish to participate next year — NOW .
12 no , because the point is that Labour has not changed it 's course , which is recognizing that at the heart of it 's policies we have to show that we know the world has changed , and we 've got a message to women , which is that we know that you are essential in your role in the family , but we know you 're also essential in the economy ,
13 Now that we knew the line , we progressed quickly into the wild world of the seemingly blank walls and hanging stances that made up the meat of the route .
14 We do not yet know what it is in a homoeopathic potency that has a curative action , nor do we know how homoeopathic remedies work in the body any more than we know the mechanisms of action of many of the conventional drugs used in medicine .
15 ‘ I watched the video of Romania losing 1-0 there and the Romanians had chances , so we know the Belgians can be got at .
16 So we know the reasons for Springall 's death , ’ Athelstan said , ‘ but not the hows , the wherefores , and above all the culprit or culprits .
17 Once we know the amounts involved we can calculate the masses of reactants and products .
18 And we know the experience of pianists working at the keyboard .
19 And we know the opposite .
20 What we tend to do is to brief ourselves very thoroughly on vulnerable spots in the world , and in countries where we already have links and where we 've worked before and we know the background because we , we feel we need that and we monitor very carefully certain events which could lead to a disaster , so that when the disaster does happen , like for instance the Ugandan famine of nineteen seventy-nine to eighty-one , we knew exactly when it was going to happen and we knew exactly where the people were , we knew who was going to be affected , we knew why they were affected , we knew where the food stocks were , we knew how long it was going to take to get so many thousand tonnes of food from A to B erm and how many trucks you would need .
21 Or do we tend to build things in because we 've already done that type of job and we know the job and things in subconsciously where ?
22 One concerned player said last night : ‘ It 's not very nice but it 's an ongoing thing and we know the club has n't got any money . ’
23 As Christians we 've discovered about reconciliation in our own lives and we know the need of it in lots of areas in human relationships .
24 Both Stephenson Moore and P's&Q 's would undoubtedly do a perfectly adequate job for us , no qualms there , and we know The Setting Studios reputation indicates that they can do better — it 's just worrying to have things left out of envelopes …
25 Television projected to the hearts of the people and we know the results .
26 And then we were at Frinton , masses of us , and we always used to go to Frinton in the summer because one of my uncles had a house there and we knew the people who erm dad used to play golf and mother used to knit on the beach , you know .
27 The eternal quest for immortality will be in vain until we know the answer — unfortunately , we do n't .
28 ‘ We wo n't concern ourselves over that until we know the outcome of my interview with my godmother , ’ he said firmly .
29 I make this plea to the Base Commander to keep his aircraft from flying until we know the results of a thorough investigation .
30 So until we know the solution we can not write in an expression for .
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