Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb mod] get [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is there anywhere near here where we could get some bread and cheese ? ’ asked Breeze , thinking that at this moment she could eat a dog-biscuit with gusto .
2 Or we can get that over with while you change — right ? ’
3 Erm , yes Chairman , the , the suggestion of the recommendation if you like , that er , Reginald 's erm , proposal it is , er to participate is , is er , rejected by er , I do n't particularly feel that way about it , that erm , if , apart from the fact that the contribution is sizable , and I do n't think that we 'll get all that many applications from the Regional District Council anyway , but erm , I would n't see harm at all of both Oswestry and Bridgenorth being allowed to send a representative if there were any applications , it 'd be good for their area , er , and er , even if they were n't allowed to vote on it , and I suppose they should n't be allowed to vote on it , erm , I , I would see it as erm , another attempt , another avenue to , towards partnership between District Council and the County Council development .
4 And now particularly Ron Todd who 's of course the General Secretary of the biggest union in this country , is making a real effort to open things up and to try and get negotiations going , and we 're very hopeful that we 'll get some positive of response from that .
5 Whereas I always felt that we would get five B , I did n't feel confident we would manage to retain any objective two , and , and the partnership in that area have managed to retain it .
6 It is unlikely that we would get such authority at the moment .
7 I feel sure that we shall get such an assessment .
8 Does my right hon. Friend agree that as we are leaders in many forms of oil technology we have every reason to expect that we shall get some good export orders for that technology ?
9 Well I , I think they will give it to us , cos er , Martin what 's his name said that we 'd get complimentary copies , yeah you must n't touch those Tim cos those are matches and children never , never touch matches do they ?
10 No , do n't bother to voice the protest I see forming on your beautiful lips ; it will happen sooner or later , but I agree with you that we must get this business of Garry cleared up first .
11 However important those are , I feel confident that we could get those in at the end of the week somewhere .
12 The first thing we discovered was that we could get high strength from almost anything from Epsom salts to sapphire .
13 In nineteen sixty one , prior to the crisis , the Americans had to face the rather humiliating settlement in Laos by which they accepted a communist erm er government , or at least a government which had communist members , erm Kennedy wanted to intervene in Laos but again was restrained by his British ally , MacMillan would n't in fact accept er that we should get involved in a ground war in Indo-China .
14 In nineteen sixty one , prior to the crisis , the Americans had to face the rather humiliating settlement in Laos by which they accepted a communist erm er government , or at least a government which had communist members , erm Kennedy wanted to intervene in Laos but again was restrained by his British ally , MacMillan would n't in fact accept er that we should get involved in a ground war in Indo-China .
15 I am afraid of many things ; that we will run out of petrol , that we will get lost amidst the velvety nowhere , that my slug of an engine will give way at last and abandon us to our own feebleness .
16 There are a great many who imagine that we can get Labour to take the shilling for us as it were and to fight simply for our old aims as an adjunct to our Party .
17 We 've got to sort of create the world , and so forth , and sort of run it , and so on , and , well , try to make some kind of , of , of sort of viable proposition of it , and all the rest of it , and it just seems to me that we can get better results if we treat the , if we treat the sort of , well , for want of a better word , the local inhabitants with a certain amount of , of , of respect , and , and , and trust , and and , if we help them , and and guide them , to the point where they can become sort of independent and sort of self-governing , within the framework of the free , well , of the free , sort of , well , of the , yes , free kind of system that we enjoy ourselves . ’
18 What the right hon. Gentleman should bear in mind , if he cares about real prosperity for this country , is making sure that we get the economic basics of inflation and the exchange rate correct so that we can get sustainable investment for the long term , not the short-term gimmicks that the right hon. Gentleman embraces .
19 and it maybe something that we can get one person to come into Playback
20 Because if he is that we can get that as an educational presentation .
21 I do not think that anybody seriously believes that we can get much legislation passed in the House without his close observance and approval of it .
22 We may need to confront this situation and realise that we can get greater support from people who have similar motivation to our own .
23 Now just so that we can get this er correct what , what sort of amount do you think you would be able to af afford on a monthly basis ?
24 But , said Ramsey , the idea that we can get Christian unity by going for a highest common factor and leaving everything else in the shadow will not work .
25 I mean why is n't there a tremendous outcry , saying this must change , we can still have democracy , but let's have reasonable , sensible , working hours in parliament so that we can get more women into parliament .
26 Is there any way , then , that we can get any idea as to how old some of our boundaries might be ?
27 just to point out to members that the promised report on the lorry management plan which is in the first preparation has been put back to the January committee meeting on the Highways Committee so that we can get full advantage from the traffic and
28 There is a great need to study the context of such deserted or shrunken settlements , since it is only when a region is studied in its entirety that we can get some idea of the changes which have taken place in settlements and the settlement pattern in the area .
29 Would you please inform Jean Parmiter of any potential student teachers you may have so that we can get some idea of numbers and location .
30 ‘ Our attitude was very much one of reacting against people , so we would get constant impetus to behave as we did because there was so much around us that was lacking .
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