Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb base] at the " in BNC.

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1 what services that we incur at the moment , are we prepared to give up ?
2 Right , so we 're to ignore all these things that we hear at the conference .
3 This idea links closely both to Donaldson 's notion of embedded and disembedded thought and to Vygotsky 's demand that we look at the total context in which information is exchanged and understood .
4 I think it 's also very relevant that we look at the real threats that are facing the N H S.
5 So before we proceed further it is important that we look at the units and measurement of temperature , pressure and volume .
6 The groups in our survey worked to make sure that we look at the needs , advice needs that they have , and that 's brought out .
7 It 's important that we look at the pattern of our spending as a local authority over the past five or six years .
8 The C E C recommends that we look at the experience of these regions before we take any decisions nationally .
9 Probably more than design ( verb ; lowercase " d " ) in the sense that we understand at the moment ; paradoxically , not only does design become the only possible means of saving the human species ( and I mean this very seriously ; I can think of no other approach which could enable us to transcend the dichotomies — between reason and emotion , technique and meaning , power of technical systems against impotence of ethical systems , and so on — built into our dominant culture ) but it " finds itself " at just this moment ; at this point the contradictions that run through present forms of design practice , contradictions which we can now read as the " distortions " of the holistic and embracing matrix of design , cease to exist .
10 Although moral philosophers tend to treat aesthetics as a poor relation of their own discipline , it is in aesthetics that we arrive at the central problem of evaluating the activities which we pursue without thought of serving a purpose , in particular the one traditionally regarded as not merely good in itself but in some mysterious way improving to the agent , the contemplation of beauty .
11 So it seems to me if we can agree on what criteria might be appropriate to look at the location of the new settlement on a strategic level , the final version of H two will in fact probably be much shorter , more concise er than the policy H two that we have at the moment .
12 Erm the calculations that we have at the moment take on board the twenty five percent back in migration as proposed in the housing figures .
13 Moving on into the sort of sensors and the electronics side , erm for survivability erm the defensive aid sub- system will be er very complex , very sophisticated but also integrated so that it has a complete system of protection for the aircraft , erm an and finally moving on on the sort of electronics side then clearly with different sensors such as the radar , the forward looking infra-red , infra-red search and track the er multiple information distribution system and also certain aspects of the er electronic warfare suite then by having sensor fusion which enables the best information at any one time to be correlated into the system as a whole then that will provide a very good capability and far in excess of anything that we have at the moment .
14 Erm power stations source of energy you see , one of the biggest sources of energy that we have at the present time next twenty years
15 Of course at the moment environmental health is very much an in subject , especially with the Environmental Protection Act of 1990 , and your profession has the marvellous opportunity of seeking to safeguard the environment and also the threats that we have at the present time which are upon the environment , from so many sources but , most of all particularly in the eastern counties , from the population explosion , which we here in South Cambridgeshire know quite a bit about .
16 Yes , we have er debate on a major policy paper on natural resources and how to er conserve them , how to make sure that we get away from the madness of the consumer society that we have at the moment ; er laying down a strategy for the er the use of the earth 's resources er into the twentieth century .
17 Given the kind of society that we have at the moment , I think so , because in the home — I mean aside from being defined as a housewife — you 're really defined only in relation to other people , so what you say about self definition , erm self fulfilment , is absolutely crucial .
18 Their belief is that we stand at the beginning of an age in which the microcomputer will truly become part of human culture .
19 It is mentioned to indicate that we stand at the start of communication changes and must prepare to play our part imaginatively in the future and not just retrospectively .
20 Er , yes I agree the funding that we provide at the moment , seventeen thousand I think , er i in in we 've already committed erm for for wh for the coming year , is small but it is because of the example , because er people who wish to m er erm promote cycling schemes and cycling policies within South Cambridgeshire , within the county council can identify the example that we have been setting that hypothecated budget aimed at cycling have been er directed this way and have been spent amicably , constructively , sensibly by cycling working parties .
21 but now this last few years we , it 's a lot warmer winter than we , than we remember at the beginning
22 We will know by the first of April this year rather more than we know at the moment but you 're right it can go up and down , but there are lots of budgets in Social Services which are subject to this and it 's part of our job to try and manage that during the course of the year .
23 We we well we 'd love to be able to get get on with our job and er wi with far less interference than we receive at the moment but er when government insists on er on interfering to the extent it does an and there have been well I 've been reading recently so something like five hundred new powers the Education Secretary has given himself in the in over the last last few years .
24 We should be looking to educate and train all people a lot more than we do at the moment where driving is concerned , so that from the very moment you pass your test you can feel confident , other people can feel confident and we can all have confidence on the road .
25 Sir Patrick said : ‘ There is in my belief , and in my experience , a profound desire amongst everyday people in Northern Ireland , right across the community , that the politicians should resume talks , because there is a recognition that there has to be a way of securing a less antagonist way of living in a divided society than we have at the moment . ’
26 Alright but in any double logged mode , right , the coefficients you estimate are elasticities , so we look at the incoming elasticity , we get a measure , or we get an estimate point six eight , right , that 's a positive as we would expect suggesting that er erm textiles are a normal good , right .
27 ‘ But the demand is coming from the young so we look at the educational side to cut that demand . ’
28 After breakfast at the palace all the inmates are thrown out , whatever the weather , and the only place he can take his child is outside : " Usually I take my little boy at weekends to the fair at Whitley Bay , or I take him on the metro and we sit at the front — he loves trains .
29 Race 's power to surprise fades as we progress through the 400-odd pages of ‘ raw ’ talk and we arrive at the conclusion more exhausted than enthralled .
30 Father , we are thankful for the work that has been completed on the church building and we rejoice at the skills and abilities that have made it possible .
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