Example sentences of "[conj] she had been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To comfort her desolation and guilt Rachel had told her about the Mongolian desert , where she had been as a little girl , hardly older than Maggie was now , to look for dragons , which she called dinosaurs , and where years later Russian palaeontologists had found the great fossil eggs in which the sleeping baby dinosaurs could still be seen .
2 John Parke writes It was a sad day when the news came some two years ago that Ann Hoare was suffering from cancer and that she had taken early retirement from her post as assistant manager of Exeter University Bookshop , where she had been on the staff since it opened .
3 Back in the main sitting room where she had been at first she was introduced to Antonietta 's husband Gennaro who was the head of the household .
4 Consultation with the next of kin has a further advantage in that it may reveal information as to the personal circumstances of the patient and as to the choice which the patient might have made , if he or she had been in a position to make it .
5 ‘ Tommy told us that she had been under the water and he had to do something to save her .
6 She told magistrates that she had been into town and was late getting the car back home to her parents who needed it for an important appointment .
7 If her brothers even suspected that she had been with a boy , all hell would break loose .
8 None of them knew that she had been with the FBI for two years , where she had specialized in the use of firearms , before joining UNACO three years ago .
9 I was a virgin when we married , but I know that she had been with other men before me .
10 It seemed that she had been on her own forever .
11 Gemma , 11 , found fending for herself in her west London home while her mother , 31 , was on holiday in Spain , was taken in by Hammersmith Council on February 1 after complaints that she had been on her own for two days .
12 Just as well that she had been at least spared the ordeal of having to face him this morning .
13 For a moment Frau Nordern was tempted to lie , to say that she had been to a meeting , or a mother .
14 It was , she said , adding that she had been to over fifty funerals in the UK alone , the funeral of a lifetime .
15 Sue just happened to mention that she had been to an orphanage in Brasov and Christine realised it was the same one that Christine Morey had written about .
16 Anna did not say that she was not a virgin , that she had been to bed with two of the men in West Kensington and had been , at seventeen , much inclined to suppose herself in love with one of them .
17 I was almost certain that she had been to the British Museum no more recently than I had myself .
18 Since Georgina denied that she had been to Miller 's End since Christmas , and to the woods behind the cottage since the previous autumn , the forensic evidence clinched the case against her .
19 ‘ Who are you trying to kid ? ’ he taunted , and somehow he seemed to know , though how she did n't know , that she had been within an ace of responding to him .
20 After some spirited discussion Margaret agreed with the policy but pointed out with some feeling that she had been in the chair of every meeting of the Economic Committee throughout the Falklands crisis .
21 In the two years or more that she had been in Nordale she had almost come to think of it as home .
22 The message read that she had been in the hotel that night ; that she had met David ; that a tape had been taken of the conversation ; that if he thought he could arrest her brother and charge him with murder , he should now try ; that , if he thought he could intern her whilst completely innocent , he should now try ; that several persons had listened to the conversation in the hotel that night and that one was an Ulster MP .
23 Diana insisted that she had been in her apartment , exhausted after a late night at the Ritz hotel where she and Prince Charles had attended Princess Margaret 's 50th birthday party .
24 She had projecting teeth and told everyone who would listen that she had been in love with Yorick since she was twelve .
25 Mr McBaine said , however , that she had been in a position of trust .
26 He too wanted to talk to her about the attack , but found her far less ready to talk to him than she had been to the woman from the gipsy encampment .
27 Russia backed Austria , only to make plain in 1851 that she was no more willing to contemplate Viennese domination of German affairs than she had been to back Prussian .
28 England was something like a nation by the closing stages of the Hundred Years War with France in the mid-fifteenth century , and France was certainly much more like a nation at the end of the war than she had been at the beginning .
29 I did n't think she was ever going to be as appealing as Frances , but I hoped that by the end of the book she would be a little more appealing than she had been at the beginning . ’
30 She left a little while later , happier than she had been for a long time .
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