Example sentences of "[conj] she was to [be] " in BNC.

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1 One of these documents had informed her that she was to be attached to a Mr Victor Wilcox , Managing Director of J. Pringle & Sons , for one day a week during the remainder of the winter term , and she had chosen Wednesdays for this undertaking since it was the day she normally kept free from teaching .
2 Maria replied that she was to be allowed to come for two days in the week following her letter .
3 The next day all this was swept from their minds when a letter arrived from Eileen , saying that she was to be married by special licence .
4 The letter had definitely stated that she was to be met .
5 With the plaintiff 's cooperation and the assistance of care , they have seen to it that the plaintiff was not to be institutionalised and that she was to be brought back into a loving home and encouraged to be the thinking , intelligent and lively person she still is .
6 Perhaps he 'd come to tell her he 'd changed his mind about his decision that she was to be his ‘ girlfriend ’ until Travis was over her , she mused , and , since courtesy cost nothing , she invited him in .
7 This , she realised , was what lay behind that dreadful feeling of alarm she had experienced when Naylor had first stated that she was to be his ‘ girlfriend ’ .
8 She had long legs and a mane of blonde hair ; as she laboured at her typewriter on classified memoranda she drew into North 's office a little stream of besotted admirers , and she was to be spotted after the scandal broke driving round Washington in her red sports car ( FAWN 1 ) , blowing smoke out of the windows .
9 If she was to be left at home she showed no interest .
10 Jennifer realised that she would have to run for her train if she was to be home in time ; Steven had booked a table at their favourite restaurant and was due to pick her up at 7.30 .
11 Well , she was generally fed-up , knowing she had to keep resting her ankle if she was to be up and about as soon as possible .
12 For the first time she began to wonder if she was to be given leadership beyond the context of Africa .
13 If she was to be betrayed yet again , then she would go with banners flying , trumpets braying , and no tears to speed her on her way .
14 Oh , lord , he had to be strong if she was to be .
15 He boldly wrote to the King in defence of Anne Boleyn , who had been a friend to the Reformers , when she was to be executed on trumped-up charges .
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