Example sentences of "[conj] she could [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Or she could say that Derek had always had charming manners and was in the habit of commending ladies on their scent , even if it smelled of Alexandrian sewers , and sound as though she had lost something worth keeping — and inevitably regretful .
2 He walked to Hause Point twice a day and apart from that … he wrote one or two letters and delighted her father by franking one of his ; he waited for him to get a full free day so that they could go char fishing ; he declined all invitations and although he was irreproachably welcoming when Mr Skelton and his daughter made a surprise detour on one of their visits up the valley from Lorton to call in at the Fish , Mary thought that she could tell that he was happier to see them depart than he had been to see them arrive .
3 Despite this disastrous beginning , however , Giovanna would be there in the morning , her own family circumstances permitting , and she would be much obliged if the Signora would make sure that her children were up and dressed , and the breakfast eaten , so that she could see that the house was returned to something like the order which Signor Kettering expected of it .
4 Stuart Benton pushed back his coat slightly so that she could see that he too carried a knife .
5 And Dinda said she needed a filling , a re-filling actually and she said it 's the first that she 's been to a dentist that she could remember that she did n't notice the needle coming in , part she hates is the needle in the gum .
6 ‘ It 's your brother , ’ he said , holding up the phone so she could see that he was pressing the mute button .
7 He talked , it was true , with a little too much self-confidence , and she could tell that his views were not entirely original , but she did not really care , because they were interesting , and it was something to be interested .
8 He urged her to turn over , and she could feel that his prong was hard and ready for her .
9 She felt a sudden uncomfortable twist in her stomach , and she could sense that Jake had felt the same .
10 Lady Merchiston 's situation , Theda recognised , was symptomatic of the whole , and she could appreciate that the Diggorys could scarcely be expected to cope with a task that would baffle an army of servants .
11 His face remained creased with thought and she could see that the answer had n't satisfied him .
12 Wayne smiled , and she could see that he was nervous ; not of the shadows outside , but of the uncertain country that lay ahead .
13 And at the same time the racing of her blood was only partly fear , and she could see that he knew it , that he had discovered this power and tuned it to performance pitch , that the insults were a kind of invitation , the display of force a plea turned upside down , and she also wanted , because she longed to please , to take off her clothes then and there and let him down from his prideful pose , and soothe him with her obedience to his rage .
14 ‘ No , not at all , in this case , ’ Belinda said staunchly , and she could see that Judy was a little disappointed at not hearing any juicy anecdotes .
15 His glance raked her from head to foot before he even moved further and she could see that he thought her very decadent to be in her housecoat at this time in the morning .
16 As they drew nearer to the damage and she could see that it was even worse than it had looked from afar , Ronni felt herself recoil at the very thought that her own brother could be responsible for such a thing .
17 All the same , it was flattering to be chosen to spend the evening with him , and she could see that he was visibly beginning to relax with her , which was nice — a sort of compliment .
18 ELISABETH WOKE EARLY ; IT WAS STILL DARK AND she could hear that the wind was up , threatening the air , poised to burst into uncontrollable rage .
19 Mr Pattison said : ‘ They started to push her from behind and she could hear that she was getting nearer and nearer the River Skerne .
20 She argued that , if she could show that what was regarded as normal behaviour in the United States in fact varies from one society to another , then it followed that such behaviour could not be the result of people 's biological characteristics but rather of their culture .
21 It would have been so much easier if he had remained hostile towards her , but she could sense that that simply would not have been in keeping with his personality .
22 Mildred gave one last , long look into Maud 's eyes , but she could see that there was no hope of Maud recognizing a half-mad frog as her best friend .
23 The twilight was fading fast when she entered the bedroom but she could see that the child was still sitting bolt upright in the bed .
24 But she could see that his heart was not in it .
25 As she approached , Clara thought that she still looked cross , but she could see that whatever annoyance was there was not directed against herself .
26 But she could see that it was too late .
27 He was an Alsatian/Labrador cross and Dawn , perhaps because she could see that he was just a big , overweight softie and no threat whatsoever , dropped her defences and began to relax in his company .
28 And Clara , abashed , had retreated into silence , because she could see that it was true .
29 In fact , ’ she went on when she could see that he did n't seem overly impressed , ‘ in fact , my parents are expecting me home today . ’
30 Nellie was convinced it would pass , even though she could feel that both children had high temperatures .
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