Example sentences of "[conj] she could be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The woman would then be taken to a certified hospital for medical examination , where she could be detained for up to three months .
2 She needed to go back to London , to her own flat , where she could be surrounded by familiar possessions and be near to her family .
3 To them Jesus is someone with special powers , almost like a hypnotist , who could place inside a person the belief that he or she could be healed and therefore show faith .
4 Should the patient cease to accept treatment voluntarily and reject supervision , resulting in deterioration of his mental state , he or she could be recalled to hospital .
5 She could be married abroad , in which case her kingdom was likely to become subordinate ; or she could be married into a native aristocratic house , which would inevitably provoke rivalry , jealousy and faction .
6 In the vital years before a child was apprenticed he or she could be captured from the streets , confirmed in God-fearing ways and inoculated against those habits of sloth , debauchery and irreligion which propelled so many of the lower orders to crime , prostitution and heathenism .
7 I do n't think the doctors really believed that she could be saved . ’
8 Delight that she could be stirred by another person .
9 My maternal grandmother was living with us at the time , it having been decided that her flat in Highgate should be closed down for the duration of the war , and she circulated between the homes of her son and three daughters so that she could be looked after .
10 I seriously believe that she could be brought up to university standard in two or three years with the proper coaching . ’
11 Mrs Kettering wanted three girls and a fortyish couple so that they could sit by candlelight on their terrace , so that she could be taken for Sandra and Hugh for … but what was Mr Kettering 's Christian name ?
12 It 's not that she could be offenced at that about that
13 She had had the tiresome habit of subjecting her speech-writers to a sixth-form question and answer session along the lines of , ‘ Tell me Chris , what do you mean by ‘ liberty ’ ? ’ and it was not until the welcome arrival of a cheerful Denis at two-thirty in the morning that she could be persuaded to go to bed .
14 She did n't want anyone to talk to her so she could be seen not to be alone .
15 He says they have an othapedic surgeon who comes to the practice once a months , so she could be treated within eight weeks .
16 King Henry 's daughter had been triumphantly proclaimed Lady of England until she could be crowned queen .
17 Only her friend Antonia knew where she was headed and she could be trusted to keep a secret .
18 In eighteen oh six , erm a law was passed which said that all property of a woman went over to the man on their marriage , including herself , so the woman was no longer an individual , she was just the property of the man and she could be disciplined and punished if the man felt like it .
19 When Hannah declared her ambition to be a teacher , Bloomsbury House replied that it was doubtful ‘ if she could be released from essential work to take up full-time study ’ .
20 With regard to the internal candidate , the Chairman further recommends that while she interviewed adequately , it would be beneficial to Miss Harraughty 's future career development if she could be offered training in interview skills .
21 If she could be won over , his seat was probably safe .
22 Even if she could be brought to view his actions in his own light , he would remain for her the instrument of death .
23 It only worked if she could be brought to the surrendering pitch of exhausted or ecstatic release .
24 A divorce from Zoe — if she could be persuaded .
25 She liked working with her father too on such days because she could be commanded by him without being suspicious of him .
26 You completely the wife actually what erm another good point was that you got in are , are there dependants there were certain close questions again , the fact that the wife smoked a pipe gave you the opportunity to turn round and say well that 's , that 's good , that 's a benefit because she could be classed as a non-smoker there 's just wee er opportunities there and that 's as much as I had if anyone else wants to add to these comments .
27 As a result she was present at the important council meetings at the end of the year and it would be surprising if her voice was not heard in the discussions about the future of Aquitaine — all the more so since she could be expected to have some influence over her children , and particularly over Richard .
28 I do not know whether she had a heart or a soul or whether she could be moved by emotion ; she was simply the Grand Mistress !
29 She died , aged 19 , in 1445 before she could be married to James Douglas , third Earl of Angus .
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