Example sentences of "[conj] she [is] [not/n't] go " in BNC.

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1 If you do n't tell him it though and you assume he 's gon na to pick it up just by looking at your eyes he 's not going to or she 's not going to pick it up .
2 And for a female it may be possible that she 's not going to get a full pension anyway , she may have er had time out , not paid contributions right the way through etcetera .
3 She may know that she is not going to recover from the blow of widowhood any sooner than other women do , many of whom at least have a large legacy of happy memories upon which to draw in the years ahead of them .
4 ‘ And she likes the house to stay just the same , ’ she remarked to Fru Gertlinger , as she swept back through the green-baize door for yet more toast , ‘ so she 's not going to object to the blue room being returned to its former colours .
5 she is one wanting er referrals from Mr so she 's not going to say oh well you know there 's something wrong there , you know ?
6 ‘ I 've promised to take Claudia away for the weekend , and she 's not going to let me off it even though we 're so shorthanded .
7 I was always the buffer between the two , I used to say I agree with you dear , I do n't want her to wear nylons , that 's not the point , all her friends are wearing nylons and she 's not going to be the
8 And she 's not going to .
9 Obviously I do n't want a wife of Peter 's around the place if she 's not going to behave in a civil manner to me . ’
10 It 's not much use if she 's not going to with
11 For example , I mean , if a tutor , say , has been sexually harassing a young woman , and she puts in a complain of any kind or something like that , and then he puts pressure on her to withdraw that complaint and she does , I mean does the college at that stage stay well okay if she 's not going to complain then we wo n't do anything , thereby letting the harassment go ahead , or does the college say even though she does n't want to complain we 're nevertheless going to go ahead .
12 But she 's not going to tell us , is she ?
13 ‘ At least she is n't going to throw another wobbly the second she sets eyes on you … but she 's not going to like the idea of leaving tomorrow . ’
14 I mutter something and start to clear the dishes , but she is not going to be brushed aside , so Darius crouches at the table with his chin on his hands , watching us like we 're Punch and Judy , and I admit that someone might come .
15 Since she is not going to advise Octavia to marry the suspect Philander , she suggests celibacy :
16 That 's like Sarah at work , I mean she leaves at twenty past five , if she thinks that , she 'll leave at ten past five I mean she thinks you 're stupid because she do n't always go but even when she 's not going she
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