Example sentences of "[conj] she [vb past] given [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Feeling that she had given her due of politeness to the curate , the due exacted by her mother and elder sister , she pattered onto Maurice , and , after having a bit of a poke round , shot across the connecting gangplank onto Grace .
2 What was even more satisfying was knowing that she had given him that same lesson , not once but twice , this morning when she 'd stunned him by agreeing to see his grandmother on her own time , and last night , when she 'd turned away his advances , and never mind all that pretence about his not being interested .
3 She passed it off as a joke , furious that she had given herself away .
4 Had n't he understood that she had given herself to him for the only reason that made any sense to her .
5 She did n't realise that she 'd given me the greatest gift of all .
6 The frustration of what she could only identify as love for him , plus the fact that she 'd given herself to him so completely , mixed with her suspicion that he was still using her in some way to further his own undisclosed purposes , had engendered a turmoil of emotions within her , among which , she was ashamed and horrified to realise , lurked a certain impulse to exercise violence on his person .
7 She noted the breadth of his shoulders , the long legs and dark good looks , and decided Kate had better taste than she 'd given her credit for .
8 Either he loved Kirsty less than she had given him credit for , or he hated Shiona even more fiercely than she had ever suspected .
9 At this point the GP had felt that she could no longer help him , and she had given him the number of a marital counsellor .
10 Years ago Constance 's mother had kept chickens at the bottom of the garden , and when they went off the lay one of her sons-in-law had strangled them and she had given them away to the neighbours , being unable to eat a bird she had known personally .
11 Her blue skirt and jacket made her eyes look like azure pools , and she had given herself extra time to wash her hair , which now framed her face with tendrils of spun gold .
12 Then , if she 'd given him a good time and he was a collaborator , he might not report her .
13 She felt as if she had given her last performance .
14 Not a word had she received from Pilade 's father as to his son 's welfare all this long time and if she had given him cause , as he might argue , to abandon her she had given him no such leave to forget his child .
15 If she had given him time he would have been able to show her passion , he knew , but it was hard for him to relax and act confidently after years of being cowed in a stern loveless household .
16 But she had given him neither an address nor a telephone number ; and the complexities of finding either had posed rather too much of a problem on a transatlantic line .
17 If he failed to come up with explanations to put everything right then , and then only , would he have to face the consequences himself , for it was clear now that she would have to leave — disengage herself from him , as Marc had so succinctly put it — but she had given her word and she would wait until the whole matter could be discussed openly .
18 But she had given it little thought during this time with Fernando .
19 But she 'd given her promise , albeit with great reluctance , not to confide the truth to her friend .
20 She had taken to him from the first , and he to her , perhaps , on his part , because she had given him some hot mutton broth and let him eat as much bread as he could manage , which had been half a loaf ; and then she had rigged him out in odd things .
21 He had despised her thoroughly ever since she had given him some dire warnings about the state of his aura , and he felt she would be perfect for this review .
22 ‘ That sounds a lovely idea , ’ she found she had answered before she had given herself time to think further .
23 She excused herself hurriedly and left , returning with a great bustle to announce her coming , when she had given him time to compose himself .
24 He made it sound as though she had given his sermon to the messenger boy .
25 ‘ Love , ’ she said , promptly , for she had given it some thought .
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