Example sentences of "[conj] she [vb past] [pron] on " in BNC.

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1 Clare levered the coins off the counter , and carried her cup out into the small enclosure , where she balanced it on an unsteady iron table , her feet cushioned by a carpet of litter .
2 She also wore large red-frame glasses , although she wore them on top of her head , as if to keep in place the shock of ginger-red red hair which she 'd rubber-banded into a pony tail down most of the length of her back .
3 Nicklaus , sensing that she had something on her mind , offered an encouraging , ‘ Do n't be afraid to speak up ! ’
4 Not for sustenance , but so that she had something on which to focus her attention while she thought about her response to him .
5 She went with Breeze to call upon Mrs Rossitter , who was so charmed with her voice that she engaged her on the spot to read to her for two hours every day .
6 During Head of the Family 's stage run , Sarah Long 's agent , Adza Vincent , watched a performance and was so impressed with the promise shown by Crawford that she put him on her books .
7 He was dead to the world , so deeply asleep that she wondered what on earth he could have been doing half the night .
8 Rune filled her glass , watching her as she half emptied it in one long swallow , waiting until she replaced it on the table before enquiring mildly , ‘ Then what happened ? ’
9 One final thrust at the embroidery and she tossed it on the table with a muttered oath any of the King 's soldiers would have admired .
10 Because one of the typewriters is broken and she blamed it on me .
11 I taught her a new move and she practised it on me but she missed and got me in the and I fell on the ground .
12 This was her speciality and she made it on every occasion .
13 He dictated a London telephone number and she wrote it on her pad .
14 She was not thinking clearly and she prided herself on thinking clearly : priorities , motives , objectives .
15 He kissed her on the mouth and she tasted herself on his lips .
16 Watching every movement , and she put him on and put his blanket on the ground and he was laying there in his handful of this and so she said come to me then and she put something on the floor she said well you know you go to it , I ai n't gon na give it to you and he 's she said well no , you 've got ta try !
17 ‘ I 'll just see if Mr Flint is free , ’ Rachel said jerkily , and she put her on hold , pressing the intercom .
18 and I was upset so I went to my doctor who 's a lady doctor and she 's young , she explained things to me and she put me on H R T and it changed my life completely !
19 When Camille entered the open-plan area that was Barbs 's kitchen and dining-room , she realized she was still holding Barbs 's handbag , and she put it on the table with a swift , rejecting movement as though it was hot or unclean .
20 cos she wanted it on sixty weeks
21 But these days she was stepping way out of line , coming on like she had something on him , like she was something more than a two-bit secretary .
22 If she kept everything on this level there would be no danger of his probing into her background .
23 I asked Dang if she knew anything on the subject of knitting machines .
24 MOTHER had a wonderful phrase if she felt something on That Was The Week That Was was too outspoken or perhaps a little too daring .
25 He wondered if she hung them on a china hand at night when she went to bed .
26 Madame Gebrec 's face became serious ; she took a sip of water , put down her glass and fiddled with the stem as if she had something on her mind .
27 Drew her , as surely as if she had her on a string , unresisting , across the grass .
28 I suppose she meant if she put me on the Pill she was letting me sleep around .
29 Billy would n't notice if she put it on the back seat .
30 but she saw him on the way to work in town , had a bloody great barney with him on the market place on the way to work , just say , she was in there about ten minutes and burst into tears
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