Example sentences of "[conj] she [be] on the " in BNC.

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1 She then went onto Yale Law School where she was on the board of the law review and met her husband .
2 As long as an MP declares he or she is on the take these payments somehow are deemed acceptable .
3 ‘ And how do you check that the guest will be able to talk once he or she is on the show ?
4 ‘ All I can tell you at the moment is that she is on the danger list .
5 Even in the worst hours she never gave any public impression that she was on the ropes .
6 She needed someone to talk to about it all , needed a sharer of secrets , an ear to listen to her plans and , above all , someone to agree that she was on the right course , that both shopping expedition and holiday were what she stood in urgent need of .
7 As Martha tried on each garment in turn , Elizabeth could see that she was on the verge of tears .
8 She had n't told Alice , that she was on the hook .
9 Those who wished to appeal more directly to fascist or nazi ideas would criticize her Christian and anti-German ideas , while stating that she was on the right track .
10 The anxiety that she was on the point of doing so created a mounting sense of urgency during the 1870s .
11 But seeing the pleading in her eyes and aware that she was on the very brink of womanhood , he knew that he must give her her head and allow her to marry if that was what she wanted .
12 The grim knowledge that she was on the verge of suffocation appalled me and when she stumbled and almost fell the hand in my pocket gripped more tightly on the scalpel which I had taken from my car along with the adrenalin .
13 She might as well try Veronica 's house again , although she was disturbed to find that she was on the same track as hordes of newspaper reporters .
14 He must indeed have been utterly determined to thwart her — not to say very certain that she was on the train .
15 Joanna 's mouth opened and Sophie could see that she was on the verge of an angry retort but the situation was saved by the entry of the veterinary nurse , carrying a tray .
16 ABBERLEY : SO she 's on the left .
17 Again I had a sense of excitement as I touched her , holding her hand , then her arm , until she was on the boat , looking for a towel .
18 Her film , Without You I 'm Nothing , will be playing at the ICA and arthouses across the country , and she 's on the cover of Playboy and THE FACE .
19 There 's a fascinating article in the January edition of She magazine , it was written by Madeline Rice and she 's on the line to me now .
20 Germany wants all the European currencies at her feet , and she is on the point of abusing her dominant position . '
21 Obviously if you 're having a long-term relationship and you know she 's not shagging anybody else and she 's not on the and she is on the pill .
22 A viewer with the same problem wrote to me , saying her doctor refused to give her any more and she was on the point of suicide .
23 ‘ Answer me , ’ he thundered , and she shivered ; her pleasant , familiar room had become a battlefield , and she was on the losing side .
24 He 'd laid a trap for her and she was on the verge of plunging headlong into it .
25 Any ideas on that score swiftly evaporated , however , when his glance suddenly shot to hers , and she was on the receiving end of his piercing eyes as , ‘ According to this , you should have been here last Friday ! ’ he charged .
26 And she was on the beanbag .
27 Yo do you there was one very bonny lass and she was on the er , they , they had erm composite programme the other the other week and she was on that again .
28 Cos she was on the phone crying that er she 's got a hole in the side of her house sort of thing .
29 It 's two and a half miles from door to door and there are buses later on , but if she 's on the late shift and just misses one , Joelle is faced with another long walk if her mother ca n't pick her up by car .
30 or if she 's on the phone .
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