Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] been with " in BNC.

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1 If her brothers even suspected that she had been with a boy , all hell would break loose .
2 None of them knew that she had been with the FBI for two years , where she had specialized in the use of firearms , before joining UNACO three years ago .
3 I was a virgin when we married , but I know that she had been with other men before me .
4 ‘ Do you mean to say that Mrs Ross 's daughter never left you and her children ? — that she has been with you all the time and is still your wife ? ’
5 Strictly speaking , you can make beautiful love to your wife for five months and three weeks after finding out that she 's been with someone else , and then turn round and say ‘ I find it intolerable to stay with you ’ .
6 Now as was saying earlier on , that she 's been with flowers all her life , well I have n't .
7 R R Ricky er Richie er longer than she 'd been with any you know , boy that she got on with
8 then one day she rang and asked to come over — and we went to collect her and she 's been with us ever since .
9 all of them so when her class came up , cos she 'd been with the class right from nursery and when she put into this you know , with the double third year , cos they go upstairs for third and fourth year and they really do classes below she did n't know anything in the class !
10 Did , do you know , do you know if she 's been with someone ?
11 But she has been with me since Seville and you just ca n't sweep the last year away and forget it , ’ he told her earnestly .
12 ‘ I knew my mum because she 'd been with me at the hospital and I remembered my grandad because of his bald head .
13 After she had been with us a fortnight we told her , as gently as we could , that she was never going back …
14 Unlike Pete he smelled nice — Sally thought it was Old Spice — and when he pressed his hips against hers she was excited by the sensations it aroused , not revolted as she had been with the Teddy Boy at the youth club dance .
15 I had a son , and my mother was delighted , as she had been with her own son .
16 So she would tell herself when she was sick and retching and dizzy , in a week or two , as she 'd been with Liam .
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