Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] that she " in BNC.

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1 When discussing a passage in Dorothy 's German journal , where she states that she ‘ carried Kubla to a fountain in the neighbouring market-place , where I drank some excellent water ’ , one editor allowed himself to speculate upon the existence of a missing manuscript copy of Kubla Khan .
2 She visited hospitals and schools , even a school for the deaf , where she boasted that she was President of the British Deaf Association .
3 Liz and her family love colour , although she admits that she gets into a rut buying navy and black ‘ because it goes with everything ’ .
4 She did n't recognise anyone in the shadows , although she knew that she must know several people from Monte Samana .
5 She is pleased for Naomi Campbell , although she says that she should ‘ remember where she came from .
6 Mrs Mann said she found the infection theory difficult to sustain in explaining the Thurso cluster although she added that she would not discount it .
7 These remained and the following sequence over a month all proved ineffective although she commented that she felt 20 years younger : Lachesis LM3 , stopping the remedy , Lachesis 200 , Syphilinum LM1 and returning to Lachesis LM3 .
8 She had spent the evening smouldering with resentment after his callous dismissal of her father 's death , but now the biblical phrases Luke had employed earlier were suddenly hammering at her brain and heightening her agitation , although she suspected that she was playing into his hands by allowing them to do so .
9 Ms Sultana told the judge that she believed that she would only be truly married when she went through a religious ceremony in a mosque according to her faith .
10 But still , on the bus going to and from school , on her steady , daily runs in the park , swimming , weight-lifting , doing her exercises , and on those other rare occasions when she was alone and free from the demands of school , State , and family , Erika found herself thinking of Fritz , although what she thought she scarcely knew herself , except that she knew that she blushed when she did so … .
11 She felt happier about Kathleen now that she knew that she had a champion in Ella , but she had little time to dwell on the O'Neills .
12 It was when I asked [ my wife ] to inject me in the neck that she said that she 'd leave me and take the [ four ] kids with her , if I did n't do something about it .
13 She was transferring her anxieties to him and now that she recognised that she wanted to do something about it .
14 Her own memories were so strong that she feared that she would burst into hysterics before him , and that would never do .
15 It was then , when she thought about it , that she decided that she was just a little fed up with the bossy brute .
16 It is not the fact that as soon as she arrives she wants a drink which makes her alcoholic , it is the fact that she pretends that she has n't already had one by replacing ‘ the bottle ’ and by washing ‘ out the tumbler at the sink ’ .
17 Once she realises that she will eventually get back what she 's lent , she 'll be happier to share .
18 He grasped the back of her neck with his hand , and his kiss became fiercer , hungrier , until she thought that she was going to drown in it .
19 And she hugged him tight , tight , as she had not done since he was much younger and liked to squeeze her back until she protested that she could n't breathe .
20 Since the night he kissed her he had woken her for her watch by hammering on the deckhead until she shouted that she was on her way .
21 Slowly she imagined taking one step after another until she reported that she could physically go no further because the slope of the ceiling was so steep .
22 He looked at her , defeated , and she saw that she had carried the point , but at a heavy cost .
23 But not only did she see herself , small , sitting there ; she also saw through herself ( because the telescope , with its hollow inside , was her ) and she saw that she was hollow .
24 I asked what she had been knitting in Pattern A before and she recalled that she had been using a pattern where she had used the ‘ enlarge ’ and had asked it to start on R8 .
25 After all the waiting for him he was here so unexpectedly , and she admitted that she simply wanted to look at him .
26 And she knew that she had seen that expression before , and very recently .
27 Again she saw Gazzer in her mind , laughing with Bella , clowning around , never taking anything seriously and she knew that she could never find the right words to convince Bella that he was dangerous .
28 One lady positively adored her little Chihuahua , Poco , for 15 years , but the time came when he was persistently ill and she knew that she had to save him from further suffering .
29 Perspiration was running down Lee 's body and she knew that she needed to shower but did n't want to leave .
30 She held on and held on , but her arms were getting tired and she knew that she would fall in a minute .
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