Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] of the " in BNC.

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1 That , she knew full well , she could do nothing about , although she disapproved of the whole set-up .
2 She told one foreign reporter that she knew of the rumours and laughed them off , saying , ‘ If my relationship with the General Staff makes me a secret agent , maybe I am ! ’
3 Who better than she knew of the transience of power ?
4 And she thought of the Italian 's hand inside her stocking .
5 " I see , " said Clara , descending : and she thought of the square flat patch that extended beyond her mother 's house at home , and of the grudgingly mown grass , and the dutifully weeded herbaceous borders , and the complaints about neighbouring cats and dogs that would come and dig in the unrewarding earth .
6 And she said of the cash : ‘ Perhaps Chris has started to contribute to the upkeep of his child . ’
7 And she spoke of the unicorn being in the forest , but that , I think , was by accident .
8 She already had her travelling companion , Swimmer of Lakes , and if she thought of the wild horses in the valley at all it was simply to wonder about the legend of the tamers : to subdue the spirit of the wild animal ; to be permitted to ride upon its back ; yes , magic would have been necessary in early thought , and cult legends certainly would have grown around the hunters who snared the fast , proud creatures .
9 Talking to strangers might be unwise , but she thought of the ghastly welcome awaiting the tired , unsuspecting traveller , and felt sorry for him .
10 But she thought of the back the garden door
11 She could not communicate with their static sky-fires but she watched/felt/learned of the realities of Spiderglass on the Earth of a century before , back when industry meant manufacture or service and did n't encompass its environments or political power .
12 She asked herself whether it was possible that , after all , one or other of the Josephs had killed Sabine Jourdain and whether it happened because she knew of the drugs and not because of the Durances .
13 She had managed , nevertheless , to seize a few moments with the erstwhile companion when the gentlemen returned , for Araminta had at once gone over to greet Mr Saul Quatt , who had , at her request , presided over the service in the local church — much to the chagrin of its incumbent , whose ruffled feathers Mrs Alderley had been obliged to smooth when she heard of the plan from him .
14 FORMER nanny Karen Pattinson of Conwy did not hesitate when she heard of the plight of flood victims .
15 Lady Macbeth provides Macbeth with the determination he requires when she hears of the witches prophesy and her husband 's title of ‘ Thane of Cawdor ’ , she immediately begins planning Duncan 's murder .
16 When she thought of the baths she had wallowed in at home , the scented soaps and thick towels , the perfumes and the lotions , she wanted to cry .
17 When she complains of the drudgery of studying sound changes , Bernard hints that she does not really have what it takes to be a scholar .
18 Christian attorney Constance Cumbey goes a step further in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow when she writes of the ‘ coming age of barbarism ’ , and describes the New Agers as a ‘ viable movement that truly meets the scriptural requirements for the Antichrist and the political movement that will bring him on the world scene ’ .
19 But I could n't agree more with Philippa Davenport when she writes of the formality that seems to have overtaken marriage celebrations , particularly in England ( page 47 ) .
20 Mary Warnock provides a scathing analysis of the government 's attitude to higher education when she writes of the contempt that the government has for universities and their staff :
21 She sighed as she thought of the constant drudgery .
22 She shivered as she thought of the creature who might even now be stalking the velvet blackness outside , looking up at the lighted windows , deciding whether or not to break in .
23 Tears filled her eyes again as she thought of the little gravestone in the churchyard : In loving memory of William Richard France-Lynch , 1978–81 .
24 Constance smiled in the dark as she thought of the chaste kisses she had allowed Nicky .
25 ‘ I think it 's lovely , ’ said Camille , wiping away a tear as she thought of the joyful , urgent creatures , little more than puppies , having to be put to death .
26 Her pace slowed even more as she thought of the house dark and sour with grief .
27 ‘ So Father was forced to make a choice between Mother , and his fiancée and Venice , ’ she said , her face soft as she thought of the power of romance .
28 She saw by his face that he had not , and grimaced as she thought of the gruesome tasks she was obliged to perform , degrading both for herself and for her far from easy patient .
29 Lucy giggled as she thought of the small room next to her own .
30 And as she thought of the good golfing years she had allowed to go to waste , so praying and practice loomed large in the recovery programme she set herself .
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