Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] what she " in BNC.

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1 This on top of everything else , she seemed to be thinking , although she did what she might to eliminate exhaustion and scorn from her voice .
2 The jury found that she understood what she was doing but that her signature had been procured by her husband 's influence .
3 In both cases the creditor had left it to the debtor husband to deal with the surety , his wife , and had done nothing to satisfy itself that she understood what she was doing or to protect her from abuse by the debtor of the influence and reliance that would be likely to be present .
4 It might be thought that she understood what she was doing , and there was no permanent harm ( cf. boxing where there may be ) .
5 Mr. Williams , the bank manager , said in evidence : ‘ before the charge was signed I would have to be satisfied that she knew what she was saying . ’
6 Before she had time to think , she 'd raised her own glass in response and it was only after she 'd sipped her drink that she realised what she 'd done .
7 And she says that she does what she can in her own way , she tries her best to do what she can to help .
8 She insisted that they were not seen often together at TVL and that she kept what she called her professional distance .
9 Now she paused so long before answering that she forgot what she was going to say .
10 She was bone-weary from a day 's back-breaking labour , but it was essential that she finish what she was writing , for she had a deadline to reach and that deadline was the day after tomorrow , her half-day , and she had barely begun her task .
11 The contemporary tumours that Eleanor had been an adulteress made it possible to believe that she preached what she practised .
12 We read that she intended , in Hamlet 's words , to ‘ leave betimes ’ , and that she did what she intended .
13 She was prepared to repeat it ad infinitum until she got what she wanted .
14 She handed it to Donna and stood by her as she flipped through it , running her finger down the columns of words until she found what she sought .
15 He looked at her sharply and she realized what she 'd said , but met his gaze determined not to go back on the promise to herself .
16 Or I 'm responsible for erm and she did what she did rather than saying I 'm the indoor sales exec or the the account handler or the telesales person who is or
17 She 's not a fool , and she knows what she 's dealing with . ’
18 Kattina was anything but tidy , and she found what she was looking for under a pile of underwear .
19 A quick anxious look behind her and she found what she was looking for .
20 As she brings up one I 've got another one to throw and she drops what she 's got .
21 As they hugged the 13-year-old outside a Blackpool hospital mother Audrey Rogers ( 38 ) , said : ‘ She is only young and she realises what she has done has been silly .
22 Supposing she forgot what she was supposed to do , missed her entrance , let them all down .
23 If you , if you were the patient you might say it 's wrong because erm she does n't look like she knows what she 's doing or there 's a mistake or something gets missed .
24 Anne watched her for a few moments in stunned silence , trying to decide if she meant what she had said .
25 But she looks as if she knows what she 's doing .
26 If she knows what she wants , ’ Alain muttered angrily .
27 Meg was n't sure what it was that Alice valued in her , but she knew what she valued in Alice .
28 But she knew what she was doing .
29 But she knew what she felt and it shocked her .
30 He had not said that he believed her , had only touched her for that fleeting moment , but she knew what she had felt .
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