Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 He found her where she clung to a rope that was curled up in a corner of the iron ship and picked her up and carried her through a secret tunnel down through the floor of the ship , down through the underwater creatures , deep into the earth beneath the swirling sea .
2 He believes ‘ That all individuals should be considered to be good , worthwhile and honest until he or she proves to the contrary ’ , It is a sentiment that still today remains his guiding light , and he would add that ‘ All things are possible through God ’ .
3 There are the actions he or she contributes to the total social process , and there are the accounts in which action is interpreted , criticized and justified .
4 Otherwise a seller 's spouse may be asked to sign the contract to demonstrate that he or she submits to the sale : the spouse will then be estopped from subsequently seeking to frustrate it .
5 It was common practice , for example , for a brothel-keeper brought before a court to claim that he or she belonged to a privileged nationality .
6 and or she went to the door
7 The person is implicitly saying that he or she subscribes to the network of rules of the discipline in question .
8 But as there must always be some kind of observer-effect in patterns revealed in this analytic way , the position of the observer , and the preconceptions that he or she brings to the act of observing , must be accounted for at every phase of the research .
9 Here was a princess who was catholic , although she belonged to a family which is usually thought of as arian .
10 Her mother thought it was better for her not to be at home as there was not much space , so the following week they saw the social worker and it was arranged that she go to a house run by the Catholic anti-abortion organisation LIFE .
11 He played with his children and then suggested that she go to the nearby Windmill Inn for some beer , as travelling had parched his throat .
12 The Irish star , who as a child was battered by her mother , revealed that she went to a psychiatrist to sort out her problems .
13 During the holiday her arm felt so lifeless that she went to a local Swiss hospital for an X-ray .
14 But she made certain that my sister who was six years younger , she made certain that she went to the county school .
15 ANIMAL rights campaigner Vicki Moore was so upset by cruelty to cows and bulls during the festivities at Candelada , near Avila , Spain , that she wrote to the Prime Minister about it .
16 His reply so angered Mrs Ellerton , who has an interest in local history , that she wrote to the publishers in Shropshire .
17 However , now that the papers had been reporting the recent news of her husband 's return from Australia — apparently determined to impress his name and tough personality on the City of London — it was obviously about time that she came to a decision about her future .
18 Little that is definite is known of her early years , except that she was said to have been a backward child ; that she was sent to a private school , Hope House , in Taunton ; that she broke away from the family tradition of Methodism and became an Anglican ; and that she came to the attention of Dorothea Beale [ q.v. ] , and taught at Cheltenham Ladies ' College from 1877 until 1881 .
19 Sometime she felt so fond of him that she inclined to a belief in reincarnation , feeling that they must once have been twins : she understood him far too well for her peace of mind , and she knew why her brothers detested him ; apart from the fact that they were racists , they were baffled by his charm and his after-shave .
20 And she said and she said thank you she said , Miss Anderson she said she ought to have more sense than come in a thing like that she said to the officers .
21 The operation , originally planned for early afternoon , was re-scheduled and it was n't until quarter to six that she returned to the ward , still feeling groggy from the anaesthetic .
22 Finally , there is the question of the extent to which Catholic values influenced the definition of this post and the debate about the appointment of this particular teacher , given her values and the feminist perspective that she brought to the school — a situation that also occurred in the appointment of another teacher but in a different way .
23 If these claims fail , others who should be protecting her interests will tell her that she contributed to the situation by being in male territory .
24 It is known that Freemantle criticized ‘ An Essay on Woman ’ when it was written ; apart from concerns with Leapor 's penmanship , it seems that she objected to the description of a miser and the reflections on wealth which follow .
25 Not even Jonathan , she thought suddenly , ever really saw anything but the smooth , exquisite façade that she presented to the outside world .
26 Looking simplistically at her behaviour at home it might have been assumed that she conformed to a typical stereotype of an AD sufferer .
27 It was only later that she switched to the Laban Centre and started dance training .
28 A majority of his sample reported that the wife typically performed a distinct range of domestic and child-rearing tasks considerably more often than the husband , and also that she deferred to the husband in more important areas of decision-making .
29 ‘ Well , we ai n't letting 'er go , that 's for sure , ’ Forest told him , releasing his hold so that she crumpled to the floor .
30 One said : ‘ By saying what she has said , one can only draw the conclusion that she turned to the Queen and the Duke because her marriage is in trouble and she is desperately unhappy .
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