Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After her father 's death she moved to Petersfield , Hampshire , where she supported herself by washing clothes , brewing , and other types of manual work .
2 Or she zips herself into a black evening gown and she 's a sophisticated 30 year old .
3 Sometimes , although she chided herself for the thought , it seemed as if in trying to be unselfish and giving him what he wanted , she had allowed herself to be turned into a sacrifice .
4 In the case of Letitia , who had married an Irish baronet , Sir Thomas Wyse , her refusal to accept the Emperor 's decision that she confine herself to being Lady Wyse , dropping all imperial pretensions by calling herself Bonaparte Wyse , led to her being expelled from France .
5 He could tell by the look on her face that she counted herself among them .
6 Presumably not : but it would be a very bold man , a Karl Marx indeed who would assert that , for each and every woman and always , housework is her spontaneous activity , that it is the satisfaction of a need ; or that she fulfils herself in it ; or that through it she develops freely a physical and mental energy and will not be physically exhausted and mentally debased .
7 Thank goodness for Iris , thought Melissa as she plodded wearily up to bed , for insisting that she cover herself by reporting Lou 's visit .
8 He was amused to observe that she forced herself to be a blank when she picked up the bowl of pus and blood .
9 But there ( at H.S. 's ) the food is so beautiful that she applies herself to it .
10 Might it have happened that she met a horse drawn set on its way to day , and that she squeezed herself against the tunnel wall in a vain attempt to let it by without harm to herself ?
11 She felt a deep , sensual pleasure as she held his leaping , quivering manhood in check , but the heat of him was so dangerously exciting that she arched herself in mute supplication , begging him to give her the release that her body craved .
12 To acknowledge it — as the cards insisted that she must — a portion of herself , was to recognize features which were paltry and despicable ; it forced the reluctant awareness that she was , in part at least , a smaller person than she believed herself to be .
13 Once extended her own eye was pressed to the lens of the telescope that was herself ( was it her own eye 's lens she was looking through the wrong way ? ) and she saw herself at the other end .
14 Light dawned on Loretta , and she launched herself into her part .
15 It was as painful as hell , and she despised herself for even caring what he had thought of Mark 's abilities , but for some reason she desperately needed to know .
16 You ca n't make love at pistol point … her being filled with remorse , and she checked herself from flinging her arms round Lucy : steady , Jay , she told herself , we 're only seconds away from no , nay , never .
17 Her one fixation was fitness and she kept herself in peak physical condition by attending aerobic classes three times a week at the Rivereast Health Club on Second Avenue , where she also helped put housewives through their paces in the basic skills of karate .
18 Security said they 'd send someone over right away , and she busied herself for the next few minutes with the half-dozen patients in the waiting area .
19 But then she and husband Dave Flame went to a country and western night in cowboy outfits just for fun — and she shot herself in the leg .
20 For one thing , she discovered that her conscience was at fault over Jewish persecution and she blamed herself for not coming out against such cruelty earlier .
21 She blamed herself for the way Tina was , though she did not know what she had done wrong , and she blamed herself for not trying harder to keep Tina in her house when she wanted to go off to Jarvis Stringer 's .
22 Her thighs pushed his legs apart and she pressed herself against him .
23 Rosalba prayed , often , these days while she waited for Tommaso 's return to Rupe and the walk they would take together , as he had told Caterina they would , and she applied herself to acquiring those skills at crochet , at knitting , at pattern cutting and sewing that Fantina learned from her sisters , who were themselves taught by Auntie Rosa , later , in America .
24 It moved slowly and she cursed herself for having forgotten her gloves and scarf .
25 It sounded ridiculously lame and she cursed herself for sounding so weak and ineffectual , but miraculously he seemed not to notice .
26 And she involves herself with equal energy in various local charities .
27 She was not thinking clearly and she prided herself on thinking clearly : priorities , motives , objectives .
28 She had chosen for herself the human equivalent of sackcloth and ashes , and she denounced herself for a masochist .
29 Her shape descended and she settled herself beside me , in awkward abundance , and my hand reached out to the white pulp of her shoulder .
30 None the less , throughout the autumn and the cold winter that followed , those three hundred yards became three hundred years each and every time , the sign of her defeat , the sign of her capture — she felt herself a wild animal tamed and she devoted herself to Maggie with what appeared to be maternal passion mainly because she felt guilty at her lack of joy in it .
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