Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She knew nothing of the future other than that it was an inhospitable fog that no-one had any choice but to enter , but she was certain that there was a scene all laid-out and waiting for her where she brought in the name of the man — or woman — who 'd first talked to Chrissie and then run her down .
2 After she completed her degree course , they moved to the United States , where she took up an appointment as an instructor in English at Smith College .
3 And where she blows up the lorry .
4 She was collecting glasses and plates from all over , slinging the contents in a vile bucket , and Philippa noticed that she was n't particularly careful where she stubbed out the cigarette that dropped a little trail of ash wherever she went .
5 From experience and familiarity he or she builds up a mental pictorial encyclopaedia based on study of museum collections , information from archaeological research and accumulated knowledge from books and papers describing objects of particular periods and cultures .
6 Sperber and Wilson 's ( 1986 ) principle of relevance entitles the hearer to expect adequate contextual effects for the minimum necessary processing effort.5 This means that a speaker who is asked to say what , for example , was said in a lecture would not satisfy the principle of relevance if he or she read out the entire content word for word .
7 It is very easy for a Secretary to fail to capture the feeling of a meeting when he or she writes up the minutes .
8 Although she started out a creature of Parisian tastes in the sixties , by the seventies she had turned towards Iranian fabrics and designs ; where she went her court and may others followed .
9 Susan was thrown out of her chair and , although she put out an arm to break the fall , landed heavily on a floor .
10 The woman was so surprised that she fell back a step .
11 The family recorded an anxious moment during the visit when the King lifted five-year-old Catherine Drummond in his arms and put her ‘ upon the Table which so much alarmed her that she burst out a crying . ’
12 But of course he was right about the trouser bit because Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face ; what he would n't admit to was that she brought in a lot of custom at the week-end , especially when there was a boat in and some of the sailors would make their way up from the quayside and spend freely on chocolate or toffee for their girls .
13 After the first few months , George was insistent that she give up the market stall .
14 The Second Fairy brings Grace and dances slightly faster in such a way that she shows off the lines of her body as it faces forwards and then backwards ( the traditional gesture ) .
15 The Moon was so angry with the hare 's evasions that she picked up a hatchet to chop off his head , but missed her aim and cut the hare on the mouth .
16 Less than 48 hours after the world No.1 had lifted her third French Open title , doctors in Paris revealed that she picked up the injury towards the end of her quarter-final win over Jennifer Capriati .
17 That piece of information shook her so much that she put up no resistance to being led off , except to say , ‘ Where are we going ? ’
18 The Captain had no sooner opened his mouth to say : ‘ Your husband is n't in … ? ’ than she took out a crumpled handkerchief and huge tears were rolling down her fat cheeks .
19 When he started school , she only had to look after him before school started and after it finished , so she took on a part-time job as a lunch-time playground supervisor at the same school .
20 Then her hands began to shake so she put down the half-eaten cake , very aware that his face was full of emotion , belying the quietness of his voice .
21 Jane found it cold , but her visitors found it freezing , so she turned up the thermostat to seventy .
22 They were much too wide and fell down over her hips , so she tore off a strip of petticoat to tie round her middle , tucking the other rag ribbons inside for warmth .
23 One night he nearly caught her , so she climbed up a lamppost. and waited until he had gone .
24 But once she took over the directorship of the Institute for Chemical Research in Bucharest ( ICECHIM ) , she began to purge those scientists who had been foolish enough to cast doubt on her credentials or to refuse to ‘ co-operate ’ with her research .
25 Mona was quiet , hardworking and extremely stubborn , anxious to be agreeable ; but once she took up a position — or got caught in one — she was obstinately immovable and this had often brought her into conflict with Moran .
26 However when the party broke up and he offered her a lift home , she was quick to negotiate secretly with her hostess for her bike to remain unmentioned in the stairwell until she came back the next day to collect it .
27 His mouth was hot as it explored her lips , his teeth nipping at her lower lip , sending exquisite frissons along her nerves until she let out a small gasp .
28 Within moments I had decided to strip her to her expensive banker 's underclothing , lash her to a Quattrocento day-bed with fur-lined leather manacles , and whip her with unimaginable delicacy until she handed over a full power of attorney and yielded herself totally in a frenzy of self-abnegation .
29 It was her ‘ wait ’ and she sped down the stone staircase ahead of the lumbering old man and snatched up the receiver .
30 Feeny laughs , whispers , ‘ Cocorico ’ ; they whisper back and she takes up the thread where she left off back in the bathroom :
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