Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 Little that is definite is known of her early years , except that she was said to have been a backward child ; that she was sent to a private school , Hope House , in Taunton ; that she broke away from the family tradition of Methodism and became an Anglican ; and that she came to the attention of Dorothea Beale [ q.v. ] , and taught at Cheltenham Ladies ' College from 1877 until 1881 .
2 One mother of six told me that she moved happily from motherhood to grandmotherhood with no time between for mourning the empty nest .
3 His greatest , his only concern was to ensure that she stayed away from his sister 's husband .
4 Once she got away from lingerie interest flagged and Rain found herself puzzling over something which had been said before the speeches began .
5 ‘ They count the hours until she comes home from school , ’ Margaret said .
6 It was n't until she turned away from the elms that Artemis realized she was not alone .
7 ‘ Give me time , ’ and she looked away from him at the distant hills .
8 But she could n't ask , and she looked away from him , her glance falling on the flowers on the poet Mácha 's statue .
9 He kissed her lightly on the cheek and she flinched away from him .
10 ‘ I 'll take my basket and go on now , ’ and she walked away from him , her heart beating fast .
11 And then he said something facetious , and she stepped away from him .
12 She does have affection for him but is not over-impressed with his success as a writer and she speaks directly from her own experience rather than any vicarious sensations .
13 ‘ Her grandmother married her to a very royalist nobleman , and she ran away from him to Edinburgh . ’
14 As it turned out she was in the bath when she heard the sounds of a car pulling up outside , swiftly followed by tapping on the door , and she jumped quickly from the water , pausing only to belt a towelling robe about her waist .
15 The thought brought her up short , and she pulled away from his kiss , sending him a quick horrified glance as she wondered once again if he had been able to read her mind .
16 Thanks to her ‘ habits ’ the job did n't last long , and she moved away from Sheffield in 1960 , sending a note to say she 'd keep in touch .
17 But it was too late for her to break the habit of dislike , and she turned away from me .
18 Her cheeks burned and she turned away from the window .
19 He viewed her with scepticism , and she turned away from him , heavy with the knowledge that he would never believe her , and too tired to keep up the argument .
20 Michael held out his arms to her and she shrank away from him , clinging to Roy .
21 If she ran away from Julius every time the conversation touched on the past or got in the least personal , then he was going to start to think he could still get to her .
22 A MASSIVE 86 per cent of Britons think Fergie should lose her title if she separates permanently from Andrew , said an ICM poll for the Sunday Express .
23 But she shied away from the idea .
24 I 'm sort of kneeling there , so I put my hand on Marie 's back to make her feel better , but she rolls away from me .
25 But she spun away from the cameras as she popped the parcel into her mouth using chopsticks .
26 Jill is 60 , and , since she retired early from her job as a dinner lady , has been caring full-time for her 90-year-old bedridden mother and for her husband who has Parkinson 's disease .
27 He almost told her that he had once lived a year with a girl he had married navvy-style , over the anvil , and had got her with child before she ran away from him .
28 He started to put his arm round Nancy 's waist and reached some of the way towards her mouth before she moved away from him .
29 Still gripping Nicola 's shirt , Goldman pulled her in and punched her , missing her face when she lurched away from the blow , but taking her on the body .
30 When she returned voluntarily from Canada last February , Bambi was not just put in solitary .
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