Example sentences of "[conj] that is too [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Does not the right hon. Gentleman believe that that is too high a price to ask the people of Britain to pay in order that he may put the divisions of the Conservative party before this country 's long-term prosperity ?
2 and that is too much .
3 It is , however , plausible to view criminal laws as the outcomes of clashes between groups with structurally generated conflicting interests , and to argue that the legislators ' intention , or if that is too conspiratorial , then the law 's latent function , is to provide the powerful with a resource to reduce further the ability of some groups to resist domination .
4 These regulatory agencies are increasingly faced with transnational adversaries who are capable of shifting their main base of operation — or if that is too drastic , their illegal activities at least — to other countries where laws against such behaviour do not exist , or if they do , where enforcement is even more lax .
5 If that is too difficult , seek other help — counselling will do you more good than valium ’ .
6 If that is too hard to stomach , then the political will should be discovered or constructed so that our government will pursue vigorously and ruthlessly all those , including transnational corporations , who violate laws , particularly those designed to protect our lives and limbs .
7 Consider a small protein 100 amino acids long ; if that is too improbable to arise by chance , then certainly a whole organism is .
8 But that is too simplistic an approach when dealing with markets influenced by global trends , including currency movements .
9 But that is too simple .
10 But that is too simple .
11 " Psychobiographical " accounts of Eliot have seized upon such references as evidence for his sense of guilt or unworthiness , but that is too deterministic .
12 ‘ Shield-like ’ is often mentioned , but that is too imprecise .
13 It may mean being anti-social at times , but that is too bad .
14 There is a sound reason for rewording that clause , because that is too frequent an occurrence in day-to-day life in prison .
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