Example sentences of "[conj] that be [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Where that was so and the workforce was invited , or itself proposed , to set up an industrial co-operative , but understood the preservation of every job to be the prime objective , the necessary conditions for effective management were absent from the start .
2 That is what 's ahead of us and we 've got to warn people that that is ahead and try and take action now before it gets out of control .
3 This as far as this is my personal opinion as far as that claim is concerned , that that is totally and utterly valid .
4 There 's an undeniable fact that that is so and that will obviously benefit the economy if they come and they will feel a draught if they do n't come .
5 That that was before and look at it now .
6 And that 's purely and simply because they 're just not listening .
7 It was next , it was next to H & T Hornes and erm I , I think they used to do the casting there and then all the castings had to come into , for us to file and it was hard work but er there was erm a big bell to tell us when to stop work and that was outside and there was a big notice in the department , wait for the bell or
8 The contrary relation will therefore show up in a sentential context that specifies , or at least implies , that a single event is being referred to , such as I only met Mary once , and that was today/yesterday or ( somewhat less convincingly ) It was today/yesterday that I met Mary .
9 Well we had a r a sch classroom in the infants school there for our headquarters and er storing cos we used to make use , we had a palliasse on the floor for when we was on night duty erm but I can never understand why we had our he headquarters over there but we had to do guard duties over in the elementary school on th school on the other side because that was the only one that had got a telephone and we had to man the telephones from the Brigade Headquarters or the to be able to phone to should they want us to be called out and so we had to do the guard duty over there but we slept in the , when we was off duty we was in er Alma Green School and that was there and then the we moved from there eventually and th th the longest part of our life of the Home Guard , the headquarters was at the cottage , I 've been trying to think what the name of the cottage is , it ha it , it has a name it 's the cottage next door to the Sir Robert Peel public house in Bell Lane .
10 Now , you , you could have the linear ordering that 's an alternative proposal erm , but then you 've actually got erm you 've got to come up with a kind of proper account of these structures of how they come about and of the relation and then you 've got to check it out against all the other data and all I can say is as it happens , I 've tried that and it does n't work but that 's only and we want to find out if you can see that the quite a long way .
11 I used always to look fabulous , but that was then and this is now .
12 Whether that is so or not , the English village is , I believe , among the pleasantest and most places that men have ever built to live in , and certainly it has a physical character and appearance that is strongly its own .
13 Stein 's book may have influenced the initial formulation of Marx 's conception of the proletariat in capitalist society ( Avineri , 1972 , pp. 53–5 ) , but whether that is so or not it did undoubtedly express in a very clear and forceful way ideas which were widely held about the dominant political issues in nineteenth-century European societies ; to such an extent that the social movement came to be largely identified , especially in Germany , with the labour movement .
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