Example sentences of "[conj] as she [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 She is more cheered , although at first puzzled , by the fact that as she works the excess of Teint Naturel on her skin , her appearance begins to improve .
2 She heard the front gate squeak open , and as she saw the two young Garda officers look up at the window and come slowly up her path , Kit Hegarty suddenly knew without any doubt what they were coming to tell her .
3 Taking a deep breath and straightening her slumping shoulders , she pushed open the back door of the colonel 's house , and as she saw the dim light from the lounge spilling out into the hall she walked in that direction .
4 Her voice was firm and dismissive , and as she saw the beginnings of surprise on his face at her rejection she moved swiftly into her room and started to close the door .
5 She then swept the kitchen floor , knowing her aunt would wish this to be done , and as she swished the few crumbs into the dustpan she heard Silas moving furniture in the dining-room .
6 Beth has practised her craft , of course , and as she reads the second line of each poem , thereby confirming the piece 's rhythm , the children look up expectantly .
7 She was quite alone in the house with him , and as she realized the extent of his strength and his determination , and the quite deliberate surrender of his self-control , she knew that she was literally at his mercy .
8 And as she attended the first parade of the Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment , she joked : ‘ It has to be said that for a 31-year-old woman to have 2,500 men under her command is quite a feat but I am sure I will rise to the occasion . ’
9 And as she attended the first parade of the Princess of Wales 's Royal Regiment , she joked : ‘ It has to be said that for a 31-year-old woman to have 2,500 men under her command is quite a feat but I am sure I will rise to the occasion . ’
10 And as she met the dark gaze of Guido Falcone , her breath caught as though a fist had connected with her solar plexus .
11 Hari moved past the woman and as she negotiated the narrow passageway , her legs would hardly carry her .
12 Tom , Faye and Bill were still talking there , and as she crossed the entrance foyer that led out to the veranda on this side , she heard her own name .
13 Ana excused herself quickly at the sound of his tight voice and as she left the room Felipe fixed Mitch with a sceptical eye .
14 She had walked fast , comfortable in the old corset she had firmly told Lyddy was quite sufficient for visiting the Rectory children , and as she passed the church , the clock struck three sonorously into the still afternoon air .
15 Then strangely the sun began to turn black and the sky dark and as she breathed the shadow of his name she felt her legs folding beneath her and in a moment she had fainted .
16 And as she hit the wall , the breath knocked out of her , she saw the intruder for the first time .
17 He was right of course , Carrie thought , and as she nestled the child to her and placed the teat of the bottle against the child 's searching mouth she bit on her lip and tried to suppress the anger which welled up inside her .
18 But she was thinking hard all the time , and as she chased the last milky drops round her saucer she went on dreamily : ‘ I wonder what will happen to us all .
19 One of the stairs cracked sharply beneath her foot ; she heard the front door of one of the ground-floor flats open behind her , and as she turned the corner of the staircase she caught a glimpse of a single eye and a draggle of grey hair at the crack .
20 She went towards the house to say goodbye to Stella , and as she turned the corner of the building she almost collided with Luke .
21 It was time to place the food over the heat , and as she turned the sausages , bacon , tomatoes and potato patties , her hands became unsteady .
22 She went down to make a drink , and as she turned the light on in the dingy kitchen a dark thing shot across the floor to disappear under the dresser .
23 Rachel was about to protest — this sounded like dangerous ground — but somehow it seemed the lesser of two evils and as she turned the key in the ignition she felt a flutter of excitement and she knew , deep down , that she wanted to go with him .
24 Rachel sat for a moment as the wind playfully tossed a handful of leaves on to the bonnet of the car , and as she turned the key in the ignition she realised she was trembling .
25 Such remarks can be an invitation to the teacher to come and listen or look , and as she shares the children 's enjoyment and pride or helps them to sort out their problems , there are times when this will involve ideas which are mathematical .
26 Esther was saying , returning to the guest list , recalling scores not settled a quarter of a century ago : ‘ Yes , the very man , he 's a something or other in the DES , he 's a very important chap now , you ought to have a go at him , ’ Liz replied , and as she spoke the doorbell rang , and there was the first guest , on the dot of two minutes past nine o'clock , tall , thin , grey , anxious , clutching a bunch of yellow roses , ex-priest turned analyst Joseph O'Toole , standing stranded on the black and white marble tiles , not knowing where to turn , how to divest himself of his coat , to whom to deliver his roses , a lost man , gazing mildly at the unexpected butler , waiting for the arrival of familiar Liz Headleand , who advanced upon him , took the roses , embraced him , restored him , and led him in to Charles , Alix and Esther : a quarter of an hour earlier she had predicted the time of his arrival accurately , to the minute , and now smiled triumphantly as she effected the introductions , a smile of complicity in which Joseph O'Toole , who was acutely aware of his own punctuality problem , was able with a pleasant relief to share .
27 She shut her mind to the fact that the pig was a living thing and as she drew the knife across its throat , she told herself that she would not let herself get this attached to any future pigs .
28 But as she perambulated the piazza under the eyes of the card-players and the widows in the shadowy doorways of the houses bordering the conventional route at this hour ! she caught no sight of him .
29 But as she saw the man out Folly felt her mood unaccountably dampened .
30 But as she left the room she had to make an effort not to hurry with excitement down the stairs .
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