Example sentences of "[conj] as i go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cos that really got up , up my back when the , I mean tho ai n't a ba , bad bunch of old boys but I normally go down but they they clear and once we 've done our work before dinner break they all clear off and I go down to the and then I sort of walk back more or less behind them you know , to the break like and as I go past the club , I go and wash my hands , they go straight in , I go and wash my hands and I walk past the and er we should go to dinner at quarter to twelve and I go past , it 's one minute past quarter to twelve so cos when we go in there you see quarter past twelve due to go back I always give them two or three minutes and I say that 's it , that 's , ah we was late coming in , I said no you were n't !
2 I had been born on Easter Sunday 21 years earlier and as I went into the water , I thought : ‘ Laddo , you 're going to die on Easter Sunday , too ’ .
3 Well you know where Penny 's old desk were , where she sat looking up towards the , and Jenny sat there and Joan sat there , this Janet was sitting there and on that Friday morning when the phone had rung , well I got up and I went to go upstairs to take something or a fax coming for me or something , and as I went past Lynnette hit me on my shoulder and she said it 's me Pat , Pat she said it 's me , oh Pat I said what 's , what 's going on ?
4 And as I went on not getting jobs , I felt my credibility was on the line .
5 Later on that day I was sent into the Corporals ' quarters with a mop and bucket and as I went in a Corporal came out buttoning his flies .
6 He was like as close as that and he was really staring and he was n't staring at the road cos as I went on a few feet he stared at the car again .
7 I wanted to find someone to help Mrs Hobbs but as I went to the desk , she was already being carried through the door .
8 We must have been closer friends than I recall , for as I go through my library 40 years later , I find quite a number of splendid books inscribed ‘ in friendship ’ from Andrew in his scrawling hand , including Henrik van Loon 's ‘ Book of Lives ’ , ‘ One Men 's Meat ’ by E.B. White , ‘ Women in Love ’ by D.H .
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