Example sentences of "[conj] as he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was held that as he had only paid to avoid seizure of his goods and never voluntarily nor intending to give up his rights to the sums paid nor to close the transactions , he was entitled to recover those payments which were not barred by the Statute of Limitation .
2 Ingram was in no condition to knock on anything , although his head did n't know that as he leaned forward against the thick bottle glass .
3 His eyes are a little protuberant , and his lips are set in a faint smile , so that as he leans forward against the wheel , gazing straight ahead through the windscreen , he seems to be waiting for the green light with eagerness .
4 They say he walked to the centre of the Sun Chamber , and that as he did so , the disguise fell from him , and everyone saw him for what he really was .
5 If the person never saw the figure otherwise than as he does now , to say that he interprets what he sees in a certain way may be taken — because of ( 1 ) above — to imply that all seeing involves ( a ) the immediate awareness of something uninterpreted and ( b ) the interpretation of it in the light of past experience .
6 Spanish operation , Meeke is on the verge of winning Spain 's international rally title for the first time although as he left again for Madrid yesterday , he sounded a word of caution .
7 Although as he explained afterwards , Durham experienced a sense of pain , an examination of the skin revealed no mark or puncture of the skin .
8 As it happened all his discoveries went against the Peripatetic views , and as he advanced so the attacks on him grew , largely because the lesser ones among opponents saw their cosy lives of repetitions of dogma in danger .
9 And as he drives away , he 's thinking not about the assertiveness of a petty official , but about the horizon .
10 And as he surveyed just how much it all weighed — he was thankful he was n't a horse .
11 The consultant psychogeriatrician in the London Borough of Newham was one of those approached , and as he responded most quickly and positively , Newham became the second area in which the project was to be set up .
12 Salim gets out of Africa , and as he does so , there seem to be allusions to the journey upriver in Conrad 's Heart of Darkness , which also ends ( though by no means hopefully ) with an Intended .
13 His face darkened , and as he strode grimly towards her she stumbled hastily to her feet and backed up against the wall .
14 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
15 He seemed to rouse himself , and as he stepped away from the wall his mask was back in place .
16 Gregory converted the try and as he had also kicked a penalty goal early in the match Nottingham were on their way .
17 As I became more and more obsessed by him , and as he absorbed more and more of my being , all else seemed to start retreating into a permanent , one-dimensional background , against which only he and I stood out as more than stick figures .
18 The Prince was becoming enthused , and as he grew more confident about the area he had targeted and took on more projects , he began to make increasingly serious and significant speeches .
19 It is possible to argue that he wrote in the proportion to which each location claimed or received his spans of time and attention — and as he spent more than twice the length of time out on the islands as he did getting there , the greater part of his book addresses the west .
20 He flicked back the cuff of his jacket to glance at his watch and as he did so he saw that he was still carrying Maidstone 's hat .
21 The cripple turned to make off into the undergrowth and as he did so there was a twang from Marian 's bow and one of his crutches spun from under him and he was down one-sidedly .
22 He swore and peered out of the window , and as he did so the gun in his left hand wavered .
23 He concluded the dance with a double spin , springing sideways in the air and kicking his feet sharply together and as he did so he landed in a heap on the bed .
24 Martin strode quickly towards him , picked up the phone , said , ‘ Yes ? ’ then listened ; and as he did so his head began to move in small jerks as he looked from side to side .
25 Fergal started to stand , pushing back his chair , and as he did so , Ellie made a bolt for the door .
26 Hazel interrupted him and as he did so Fiver started .
27 Hugh gave her its regular after-lunch kiss , and as he did so he saw , out of the corner of his wary eye , the extremely unwelcome figure of his father-in-law coming down Chancery Lane , carrying a walking-stick and an armful of newspapers .
28 Nathaniel Sherman removed his helmet to mop his streaming face and as he did so a movement caught his eye in the tangled undergrowth .
29 And as he did so he continued to speak , letting his voice rise and fall like a flowing stream , lulling the sleeping child .
30 To get to the Fish Co-operative he had to pass Riddle 's yard and as he did so Matthew was getting into one of the firm 's vans ; he carried a clip-board and a surveying tape .
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