Example sentences of "[conj] had [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A number of respondents had either never heard of the ATB or had found out about it by accident .
2 But with part of her mind — the part that had stood back from their embrace — she was dimly aware that she had almost wanted to believe the worst .
3 But , whatever the chain of events that had led up to it , the result was the same .
4 He brought our conversation to an end by alluding once more to the past ; and in comparing the difference between his present achievements and the tribulations that had led up to it ( though he did not put it quite like that ) , he appeared to coin on the Spot an Epigram which , so far as I know , he never committed to print but of which there are echoes in The Family Reunion .
5 She assumed that , having had time to think things over , he was going to come back with the decision to tell Marc everything that had led up to this crazy engagement of theirs .
6 It was the end of a trail which had had its beginnings in those first rumblings of Henry Fairlie against the Establishment and Malcolm Muggeridge against the Monarchy ; a trail that had led on through the Angry Young Men and all the resentments sown by Suez , through the heyday of affluence , through all the mounting impatience with convention , tradition and authority that had been marked by the teenage revolution and the CND and the New Morality , through the darkening landscape of security scandals and What 's Wrong With Britain and the rising aggression and bitterness of the satirists , in ever more violent momentum .
7 Later that evening , Simon had been one of the crowd that had ended up at their house for coffee .
8 Was she hearing , in the gentle wind , eddying along the purpling coastline , the ghost lamentations of the thousands of sgitheanachs that had ended up against their will in her country over the Big Water ?
9 I saw an open shed stacked with timber , graded according to its thickness , and then , as we turned the flint gable , there was Laura crouched before the kiln in a muddle of faggots and fire-irons , her rump in the air , legs bare beneath the sawn-off fringes of her denim shorts , wearing a blue-grey sleeveless T-shirt that had ridden up around her waist .
10 So far as the law of affray is concerned , the provision in section 3(5) that the offence may be committed in private as well as in public states the existing law on the point , and arguably ‘ corrects the error ’ that had crept in to the law a century or so earlier .
11 What happened to all these girlfriends and this person that had phoned up on Stephen phoned up er it 's Wednesday right , and Stephen phoned up Tuesday and twenty five to eleven and says can I talk to Stephen , says hang on a minute who is it ?
12 He had come from a bulk tanker that had tied up in the oil terminal in Kuwait harbour , thanked the Master who had allowed him to work his passage from the port of Perth , and gone ashore .
13 When he caught up with the spectators following the last match he picked up the information that had filtered back through the crowd 's grapevine .
14 And if you do die before your 65th birthday , your dependents would receive the cash benefit that had built up at that time , or Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit — whichever is the greater .
15 At the start of the next session , mindful of the head of steam that had built up on the issue , Ede announced that the Government had decided to recommend the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the possible limitation or modification of the death penalty .
16 In that time , its geography had changed little , the only difference being that more and more houses had squeezed themselves on to the mound of detritus that had built up over generations to form the hill on which the city squatted , above the highest level of flood the river could attain .
17 Laughter seemed to break down some of the barrier of embarrassment that had built up between them and when Carrie lit two candles she handed one to Seb and said , ‘ Good night , Seb .
18 Dressed in the plant 's uniform of white overalls and cap , he was conducting an exercise to release the excess energy that had built up in the honeycomb matrix of graphite blocks which surrounded the uranium nuclear fuel .
19 The tension and frustration that had built up in the claustrophobic atmosphere of their life in Northumberland had finally spilt over when Louise had taken them both to the West End to buy the birthday dress .
20 If she went to the Dordogne she would be facing a life that had gone on without her , a life that had not for one minute taken her into consideration .
21 we replied that our only object was to secure a Government on such lines and with such a prospect of stability that it might reasonably be expected to be capable of carrying on the war ; that in our opinion his Government , weakened by the resignations of Lloyd George and Bonar Law and by all that had gone on during the past weeks , offered no such prospect and we answered the question therefore with a perfectly definite negative .
22 He was acutely aware of everything that had gone on in front of the then roaring fire .
23 And apparently the one that had gone out to him had n't found him , so they sent another one and he found him straight away with his directions .
24 It only reminded her of how she and Trish had hooted with laughter when they 'd seen the engraved invitations that had gone out in three languages for this evening 's showing .
25 Vember , that legendary classic of the Rock and Ice years ; Vember , the route that had scoffed out at him from the pages of Hard Rock with the ultimate aura of impregnability ; Vember — probably the only E1 , 5b pitch he would ever lead ; Vember , oh no — he would never forget !
26 In fact everything that I am not , she thought swiftly , remembering the sickly pale face with its halo of tousled auburn curls , and the huge , startled green eyes that had stared back at her from the bathroom mirror only moments ago .
27 There were long streaks of stickiness on the floor to which ash had stuck , glasses with remnants of drink , some with cigarette stubs disintegrating in them , some tipped over in puddles of booze , plates with remnants of food and cigarettes that had smouldered out among them .
28 And now this dark story that had leaked out of Scotland earlier this year of the death of the duke of Rothesay — the husband of Douglas 's own sister , and the brother of his wife , doubly close kin to him !
29 She had just had painful surgery to remove an ovarian cyst that had turned out to be benign .
30 She 'd bought a pot of raspberry jam that had turned out to be bad .
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