Example sentences of "[conj] had [vb pp] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Nearly all were undertaking their own personal therapy or had done so in the past , and all were appropriately supervised .
2 All these governments , despite what they were saying or had said previously in public , considered the abduction of their citizens as a political act and were negotiating over it .
3 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
4 From The Childhood , and even more from some conversations I recorded with the poet 's second cousin ( T. Trehame Thomas ) in 1966–7 , there are hints that Mrs Thomas 's family proudly preserved the memory of Alderman Townsend and his descendants : the Tedmans at a vicarage in Much Birch , near Hereford ; another great-uncle at Limpley Stoke near Bath with an interest in the development of Edward 's French grammar ; and many more who had either been abroad and returned to moderate affluence in the Border counties ( according to Mr T. T. Thomas 's recollections ) or had settled abroad in Africa or in the USA , like Edward 's aunt Margaret .
5 Yesterday clashes that had flared overnight in southern Lebanon died out .
6 She was the incarnation of everything that had gone amiss in Sylvie 's own life .
7 Gone was the flotilla of rafts that had followed majestically in the wake of the cruiser .
8 Luke Travis : the name that had featured twice in her cousin Elise 's diary , referred to afterwards , cryptically , simply as ‘ L ’ .
9 She said there was no direct evidence linking their eggs with an isolated case of food poisoning that had occurred nearby in Bedworth in June , which was due to Salmonella enteriditis , not typhimurium .
10 When the time came to launch a leading brand of canned pork and beans in the Canadian market , the advertising company decided to continue the campaign that had worked successfully in other English-speaking areas , and retained the name Big John 's .
11 The barman was by now mellow and helpful and said we were rapidly running out of the ice that had come aboard in bags in Sudbury .
12 Even after I was married and had children , and had travelled extensively in Africa and North America , I still used to wake up sometimes sweating in fear , convinced that I was still in the Waaf and for some mysterious reason unable to obtain my release , but was condemned to remain in the Force for the rest of my life .
13 Ironically , she was an office manager with a firm of personnel consultants and had done well in her three years with the company .
14 Lacey 's report found that the Justice Department had conducted a " virtually perfect " inquiry into the affair and had done so in a manner which was free from political influence .
15 He had found them scruffy , and had said so in no uncertain terms .
16 The 1950s saw the birth of the New Novel , more or less in the coronation year of 1953 , with the first published fictions of Kingsley Amis , Iris Murdoch and William Golding : polemical still , but intent now on reviving a tradition of realism that had flourished first in eighteenth-century England , with Defoe and Fielding , and had faded somewhat in critical reputation in the inter-war years ; and a revived realism spread rapidly into theatre , with John Osborne 's Look Back in Anger ( 1956 ) and the first dramatic experiments of Harold Pinter .
17 ( Formed in 1988 [ see p. 37414 ] , the Reform Party , a right-wing , populist , protest grouping , had spread from its base in Alberta and had grown rapidly in all of the country 's western provinces . )
18 Thus , where the tenant had been innocently misled into believing that he would obtain a long term , and had invested heavily in the property next door , whereas the landlord in fact had plans for immediate redevelopment , the Court of Appeal upheld an order for a break-clause exercisable after the first three years of the term ( Amika Motors Ltd v Colebrook Holdings Ltd ( 1981 ) 259 EG 243 ) .
19 They were walking round the house speculating as to what they should sell and had paused here in this far from gloomy room , this warm , sunny , charming room , and laughed at that gloomy picture , at its sentimental naivety .
20 The party , which had been formed in 1981 , had won only three seats in the 1987 general election but a rump led by David Owen had refused to merge with the Liberals in January 1988 [ see p. 36501 ] , and had performed poorly in the local elections in May 1991 .
21 Mr Stanforth came from behind his desk to meet his visitor in person , and settle her with ceremony into the client 's chair , though she was not a client , had no need whatever of a solicitor , and had come here in response to his telephoned request chiefly out of pure curiosity , of which she had a woman 's proper share .
22 M. Mitterrand was well aware that the French electorate was the most communautaire in the EEC : the Community had , after all , been created by Frenchmen with French interests in mind and had succeeded admirably in furthering those interests .
23 Many before him had attempted to explain cookery in scientific terms and had succeeded only in turning both science and cookery into the deadliest of bores .
24 A Nottingham family , the Keatings had taken their holidays in the area for many years and had settled nearby in 1934 .
25 One had formerly been an occupational therapy aide with elderly people and then a voluntary day centre manager ; the other had community work qualifications and experience , and had worked both in a local authority and an Age Concern setting .
26 They had been made redundant involuntarily and had worked full-time in the factory in low-paid , unskilled manual jobs on the shopfloor .
27 The Russians had taken Trebizond from the Turks , but had suffered bloodily in the Narocz marshes after a noble response to Joffre 's plea for a diversionary offensive to relieve Verdun .
28 The appeal was based upon the consideration that Harris could have suffered foetal brain damage as a result of alcohol abuse by his mother , or from blows inflicted by his father who had tried to abort the foetus , but had succeeded only in causing it to be born three months prematurely .
29 In Jacques 's view the indivisibility of town and country in liberal adult education might lead naturally to the formation of a county federation of WEA branches as had occurred elsewhere in the District and which had been entirely beneficial to the growth of adult education .
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