Example sentences of "[conj] had [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 There was much that might have been better concealed , not least the ugliness of wartime necessity that had yet to be cleared away .
2 Who they were , and whether the party 's appeal should be confined to the quarter of a million or so who might be described as ‘ proletariat ’ was something that had yet to be defined .
3 When it ended , she looped her arms around his neck and asked the one question that had yet to be answered .
4 He pointed to the necessity of a reciprocal relationship , one that had ultimately to be beneficial to all participants , and not merely based upon value money exchanges but one that entailed an exchange of real use-values .
5 In the Middle Ages , Finland was a land on the north-eastern fringe of Europe to which architectural styles percolated slowly , and had then to be adjusted to suit national and climatic needs .
6 It transpired that what this man really wanted to do was to strangle his mother , a desire which was both socially and morally unacceptable and had therefore to be repressed .
7 Age discrimination — which was not new but was worsening because of the current economic recession — existed in all EC countries , but had yet to be recognised as a problem , the report said .
8 Although there was evidence of cosmic order in the motions of sun , moon , and stars and in the cycle of the seasons , this order was not regarded as securely established but had continually to be achieved by the integration of conflicting divine wills or powers .
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